American Revolution

Comments (5)

Loren Jenkins (Student 2013)
Loren Jenkins

I like it, and I remember when you did this last marking period. I hope to see something new from you, but It's good to see that you understand what your talking about, and have emotions for it.

Eryn James (Student 2013)
Eryn James

I really like how your weebly looked like a real website and the information you presented was really good. The information was very clear and explained.

Nashrah Malik (Student 2013)
Nashrah Malik

I think the information that you used is very interesting . Which is about the battle of german town . Although some points were difficult to understand but there is a lot of information which i came to know for the first time.

Jamelia Barrett (Student 2013)
Jamelia Barrett

i think it was well presented i like it the information was easy to follow also its was about the battle of germantown . The british and the american fought and the americans won.

Aja Wallace (Student 2013)
Aja Wallace

Quinn *Battle of Germantown Everybody wants to come to the American colonies but I see why. It's the idea of having a better life than where one is from. But what does the American colonies have that other places do not have ? The U.S, government was strong enough to be over powering enough to stand for everything it wanted.