Blog post 2 Global Warming



For this blog I learned that most of the people that I know will  not  give up  their  electronics  

since their electronics revolves around their lives, I did some research on this by making
a survey were all my friends answered questions about global warming and they all said that
they used lots of technology every day because they already got attached to it and they can do
things quick and easier with them.


Some research that I did for this project was to look more information about global warming and also ask questions about this world problem to my engineering teacher Mr. VK ; from his point of view of the global warming I learned that this was

a big thing now than it was before also I learned that some people is doing little things about
this but it’s not enough to actually help because the United States is scared that if they
pay for this to make things that we use daily more efficient and less damageable to the earths
Ozone layer, What I think of this is that the United States should at least try on making a little
more improvement on this big problem that the United States and the world is dealing with.Also
what I wonder is why is this problem was building up from years ago why didn’t the world make
an action on this problem right when it was happening.

For  my next blog i will research deeply in this problem and  answer some of my questions that i still wonder about global warming and what is going to happened if we don’t take action on this

This are the answers that Mr. VK about global warming 

Is global warming unprecedented? we know its happening there is no debate outside the people that have a financial gain and outside of what’s happening.

Is global warming catastrophic? its getting there and i think if we change our ways of living on time we can
help it to stop but if not then it will get a lot worst
Is global warming occurring? yes
Have the forecasts of global warming been confirmed by actual measurements? yes. and actually the measurments are showing that is much worse that the what the models predicted.

Are carbon dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuels the primary cause of climate change? they are the largest but they are other important factors including from burning foils fuels and other gases from our production of fertelizers.
Can the Earth's temperature be expected to rise between 2.5 degrees Fahrenheit in this century as has been reported? I think it will be lucky if it didn’t rise to 5 because temperatures at the ecuador have been the same and temperature at the north pole has been from 6-9 degrees.

Would a modest increase in the temperature of the planet necessarily be bad? The overval effects would be negative the increase of the temperatures and the water also there are reports the of new diseases and animals and we believe there is about 4 more decades worth of more fishes in the ocean.
Are there any potential benefits? If you live along the coast in an arctic region you would have a longer period of soil.
Is there scientific consensus that global warming is underway?  yes.
If so, how was this consensus determined? theres no data that does not support that the global warming is not occurring zero all the data shows that it is occurring one simple and important piece and is that the earth
would be at -4 degrees which means that there wouldn’t be any global warming and we know that if there is something that traps heat and it doesn’t then that is false because there’s is heat in the air.

Are we facing 20-foot sea level rise because of global warming? there is a decimal error its only 2 foot there increase in water it would be about a 5 not 20.
In your professional opinion what is biggest preventive measure that we could take  against global warming? driving less or higher efficiency cars and buying fewer items from china if we could just fix broken things
What has the  U.S. done so far? nothing  And is this enough? no.

Comments (4)

David Leonard (Student 2016)
David Leonard

This blog post is good but you might want to check your grammar. I like how you used the pictures to describe what you were talking about. Also you could have mentioned what happens to the environment when the technology is thrown away.