Final Perspective Drawing

In 9th grade art, we studied one point perspective drawing. My finished product (below) is a scaled down rendition of one view of our art room. 

​a. What is one thing that your learned specifically that you did not know before.

I'm not sure if this was actually something I learned, however, this project did help me realize the importance of a vanishing point and making sure that your orthogonal lines really do trace back to said point. It really creates structure and dimension in one's work. When done properly, just making sure that the lines in a piece go in the right direction can change a good piece of artwork into a great piece of artwork. 

b. How did learning this thing make your drawings better?

As I said, knowing where your lines go certainly helps with the dimension of the drawing. When I realized this, my drawing ended up really being more than rectangles and triangles and diagonal lines. The direction of each of my lines ended up being incredibly significant to my finished product from turning a piece of paper into a full room. 

c. If you did this assignment again, what would you do differently?

I would certainly take out my ink tracing. I sketched over my drawing in the final stages in the hopes that it would help the colors and dimensions really 'pop'. However, it took my piece from a finished drawing to a sketch with color. 

d. What is your advice to someone who has never drawn a one point perspective drawing before?

Measure, measure, measure! Make sure that your lines all match up and that the actual dimensions of whatever your drawing make sense when scaled up or down. It's a very simple sounding task that, honestly, can completely change your drawing if not done properly. 

e. What resource helped you the most and why?

My sketchbook sketches on one-point perspective were extremely helpful during this process. I sketched them over and over to get a sort of 'muscle memory' type of relationship between my pencil and my hand. 
