Food Benchmark


A lot of things we learned this year were talked about in chases talked about last year because his food class he was really interested in and it poured over into our english class. I looked up the movies we watched before so the information was not new but did contain a lot of information. My role in the larger food system is to simply be a consumer and consume what I want so my taste will be reflected in the sales of said product. The biggest problem with our food market is the lack of competitiveness between diffrent companies. Food companies have monopolies over certain aspects of the food creation process so they can pocket exorbitant amounts of cash while reducing spending costs and making the food cheeper.  So changes I could make in my food choices are to eat more meats for protein which helps repair muscle tissue and tastes delicious. The impact would likely be only for me and that would be my experiencing a decrease in soreness post work out and probably increase in muscle mass but likely also it would be more costly. I am not willing to actively make the change I live more by if it it happens kinda thing.

Fruit Salad yummy yummy
Get a bowl


20 strawberries


1 chopped up pinapple


1 chopped up cantuelope


1 chopped up honey dew


half a chopped up watermellon

Presto fruit Salad.



The recipe to making it was extremely simple as it was just fruit products chopped up into little pieces. The labels claimed the fruit to be organic so the environmental impact was likely helpful because more plants means more fertile soil and air for us all yay fruit. It was entirely whole food literally what comes up from the ground when you plant a seed and care for it and pluck what grows from it. There was no nutrion label on the side of my food because fruit doesn't come with that. However the nutritional value of a strawberry is 4 calories and 1 gram of sugar. The nutritional value of watermelon for a slice in 86 calories 22g carbs 18g sugars and 2g proteins. The nutritional value of a pineapple is 28 calories per slice and 7g of carbs and 6g of sugar. one wedge of honey dew is 45 calories 11g carbs 10g sugar and 1 g protein. All and all the food seemed to be high in sugar and carbs but it was all natural if you ate a lot of it you would need to produce more insulin to lower your blood sugar levels because of the increase in glucose your body received. I am pretty sure that the items went straight from farm to market to plate because you can not do much else with fruit in between it grows you pick it then eat it the end.

Food rule
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