How does writing help you connect?

Writing helps me connect in many ways. I personally feel like writing takes me to places I have never been before, writing is the life in my pencil, writing is the soul of my life, without writing I would feel like I have no one to talk to. Writing makes it easy for me to write my feelings down, There are certain things in my life that no one knows besides, my pen, my book and me. I feel like without writing I would never have the courage to speak up. I have a voice in writing, Because I can see someone else reading what I wrote, and It don't matter if it is unanimous, but at least I know that my voice is out there somewhere on a piece of paper. Especially living in a society where people think constantly run their mouth. But if you write your problems down, without showing to anyone you will be okay. Writing has the power to build back up your broken pens. Writing always accepts you for who you are. It's doesn't judge what you have to say. Writing connects me to many misconceptions in life.
