Immigration Visualization Jhonas Dunakin

I'm a very informative when it comes to history and so I know a lot. But what really surprised be was the immigration numbers. I thought before I was shown the graph that immigration in the US would a constant flow upwards. Since all the inovation happens here and opportunities arris here. But know that there a boom and bust periods are interesting. There a periods when there are more opportunity than others. The growth in population, there a times when people want to have babies and times when people don't. People typically want babies when they have the money to raise them so economic booms population shoots up. When the economy slows or shrinks there isn't as much money flow so people make less babies but enough to have a healthy growth since the US is big enough to sustain it's own population. People who immigrate to the US will shrink since we had the housing bubble which slowed down our economy and there are stricter immigration laws. It''l be a lot like the transition from 1900-1910 to the 1910's. But have  slight decline. We thought that the best way to present people information was to create a power point which pictures that represent a decade and a short essay explaining what happened in the era. It gives people more wiggle room to imagine what it would be like in the decade while being informed. Defiantly the collaborating was the hardest part. Me and another group member had sports in two different days and my lap top was not functioning properly making it harder for me to do work online. I think I would defiantly split my own work more efficiently so I'm not doing a lot of my own things last minute. 
