Journey To Swindon

Jonas Bromley


Journey To Swindon

He left the mansion that morning feeling good, going to visit a town his father was thinking of starting a new mine in. His father was letting him take on more and more responsibility with the different mines his father owned. He asked his manservant, Charles, to bring him his horse. He waited for a couple of minutes and Charles had his horse, “here ya go Sir Robert.”

“Thank you Charles.” He mounted his horse and briskly trotted down the road towards the town of Swindon,where the mine would be, after five hours on horseback he stopped at a roadside tavern, called The Drunken Dragon, and called to a stable boy to put his horse up for the night in the stable. He tossed the boy a pound coin. He walked inside the tavern and asked the barmaid for a room and dinner and a flagon of mead then he sat at one of the tables and waited. It took a while for the food to come, they brought out his food and the barmaid said in her broken speech, “this is pork kilt yesterday ‘round noon and fresh potatoes from me garden.”

“This looks delicious, thank you very much,” he replied.

“s’No problem,” she said.

He ate dinner quickly and went upstairs to go to sleep, he was tired from the long days ride but at the same time he was excited at the prospect of his first real work in his fathers business. He went to sleep quickly.

The next morning he awoke to the sound of a rooster crowing in the yard. He got out of bed changed back into his riding clothes and went downstairs for breakfast. He was served eggs on some slightly stale bread, despite the bread it was still quite good. He thanked the owner payed him and left. The rest of his ride to swindon was very uneventful. He rode into the town and looked for the house of his father’s correspondent, Mr. Smith. He finally gave up and went to ask for directions, he pulled up outside a bakery and asked, “Do you know who David Smith is and if so, would you be so kind as to tell me where he lives?”

The baker replied, “yah I know a’him he live right round the corner o’er there.” he pointed with a flour covered finger. “Thank you very much sir.” He walked down the street leading his horse, and knocked on Mr. Smiths door. The door opened and a maid answered, “you must be Robert, Mr. Smith is right this way sir. He walked into a fairly large living room where the fairly large David Smith was sitting eating a lunch that consisted of a roast beef sandwich and a small flask of ale. “Hello Robert, thank you for coming all this way to see me. How is your father doing?”

“He is doing quite well.”

“So your old man is giving you more control over the company?”

“Yes sir.”

“So lets get down to business,” he said with a more serious tone, “ I want to open the mines in less than a week.”

“How are we going to do plan to hire all the workers needed in less than a week.”

“I own most of the land around here and I can raise the price of the businesses rent so they have no choice but to come work for us.”

“Thats illegal! You can’t do that.”

“It is perfectly legal, just immoral and I will do it.”

He left the room and stormed out of the house wanting nothing to do with this man. He walked away back towards the stables to get his horse. He decided to try to ride all the way home tonight. He was about halfway there when he started drifting off. He woke up his horse still trotting along but he didn’t know where he was. He was lost. He kept going along the path thinking he must come to a town eventually and find my way home. he kept riding for another hour when he saw someone standing in the middle of the road. The man was wearing a mask so he couldn’t see his face. he pulled up his horse and said, “hello.” The masked man just stood there and stared. He was about to ask him to move when five armed figures jumped out of the brush and demanded that he dismount. Not looking for trouble he dismounted and they pushed him to the ground and tied his hands together and then tied him to a tree. They took all of his money, his horse, and even his clothes. They left him with a tattered old robe that one of them had been wearing. He was eventually able to untie his hands, as the thieves didn’t do that good of a job of tying them. He kept walking in the direction he had been going. He walked for about an hour till he reached a small village. He walked up to a door and knocked. A woman opened the door and looked at him and then slammed the door in his face. He went to the inn and asked for a room and a horse and told the innkeeper that he was very rich and would pay them back. The innkeeper replied, “yeah and I’m the bloody king, hahaha.” Then promptly kicked him out. He walked around the town and asked for help. The children laughed at him because he sounded funny. He guessed this is because he was raised in a richer society where he learned how to talk correctly. He decided that no one would help him here and decided to try to walk home. He walked through the woods back the way he came thinking about how the children said that he sounded funny when he was the one speaking proper English and they were speaking their strange broken version.
