Losing more than just a person by Imani Holness

(There is music, but for some reason when I posted it you are no longer to hear it. The song was by Luther Vandross dance with my father.)

Everyone knows there are 3 simple steps about life. your born, you live, and you die which will never change. They way you decide to live your life is only in your control. We all will experience death but it becomes a harder pill to swallow when there is a death in the family. I imani holness will be interviewing my mother viola jackson on the challenges & diffculties she faced with losing a loved one at a stage in her life were she didn't expect it. 

When I recieved the news about the podcast I already knew who I was interviewing and about what. This projects helpped me & my mom in a major way. It helped me learn information that I think i would have never found out, from some story's she told about her father also how much he meant to her. This also helped my mom because she say's little things about her dad here and there but this is the first time we had a whole conversation about him.It's like there was no interview, no mic, no questions just a converstaion about what her father meant to her. 

This podcast crossed boundaries becasue it made her cross contections from how she felt at a young age. Crossing boundiares is when you experience something diffcult to you that you had to face. When i did the interview I noticed her facial expressions, & the smile on her fae when she was talking about her dad. It's like all the emitions & memiores she had of her father all came back to her, like she was eleven years old again.

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