Maggie Long Capstone


This project was inspired by my love for bikes. Biking as a youth helps provide a safe, fun, and relatively cheap ways of venting and getting around your city! Initially, I wanted to make a club in SLA where kids can come to learn about bikes and possibly even help build one! After realizing the cost and equipment we would need, I had to figure out another way I could promote biking. When a freshmen told me about the Kensington Kinetic Sculpture Derby, I just had to learn more. A week later it was my new plan to enter the club into the derby and figure out what we would create on our bikes. This process taught me a lot about leadership and how important it is to lead by example and provide direction for the group. I learned this the hard way in many cases. I forgot that any participant 17 or younger would need a parent or guardian. After I realized, it was already too late to get the signature and mail in the form. That is when I got motivated to bring the competition to SLA. By hosting SLA Bike Week, it encouraged kids to safely ride to school instead of taking public transportation or getting a ride by car. This sets a positive tone on exercise and well being.  

Annotated Bibliography:

Process Paper:

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