​INQUIRY- The element I was assigned by my Bio-Chem teacher was sodium. Throughout the project I was supposed to find different cool facts or discover something about my element.

RESEARCH- Through the process of my research I found out that sodium was a type of metal, but also it is salt. Sodium was discovered by Sir Humphry Davy. 

COLLABORATION- My table mates in green stream of art class helped me through the beginning of the project. They helped me come up with some cool ideas as you see in the picture below.

PRESENTATION- To the end I choose the color red because red is my favorite color and I want to express the feeling of the color red for sodium. The picture you see at the bottom was my favorite that came out to be the best.

REFLECTION- In the end of this project, I found, plus seen that it takes a lot of skill ,accuracy and time. If you take your throughout this project your tile would come put to be amazing. I enjoyed this project!!!!
Photo on 6-7-13 at 11.07 AM
Photo on 6-7-13 at 11.07 AM
