Q2_Copy & Master_Katherine Hunt

Copy & Master-

For this project, what had to be done was finding a picture online that interested me and drawing it. This drawing was to be copied and mastered in order to make it look exactly like the original. For my drawing I felt as though my drawing looked like the one I chose. 

For this assignment that I decided to do was "the persistence of memory" by Salvador Dali. The reason that I chose this picture was because I really felt like it was something that I was able to draw. I saw the picture as something that was very inspiring. My interpretation to this was that time is something that can either be used wisely or not. Throughout this assignment, I felt as though the time that I used for this assignment was not used as wisely as it could have been. It shows that a person has to persistence with their work as time passes by if not a person can end up taking long to do the things that have to be done and wasting time. I worked on this picture by first drawing it and then coloring it with coloring pencils. I attempted to shade this well, but although it wasn't my best piece of work it was the best I could in the moment with a limited amount of time. A future consideration that I would do is making sure that I shade better and use either oil pastels or paint the paper so that the color is more vibrant and looks better in terms of the shading and quality. 

