Test Your Faith

​Overview: The left column is basically a "bible format" of the story, and the right column is a detailed diary of some of the events expressed to the right. The best way to tackle this story is to read the left column first, then the right.


I gave birth to the existence - No,

Nascent of Quill meets Papyrus

Breathing alliterations into fragments of personifications

Literary tools are my children

Illustrating vibrations of ink bleeding through the quilts

The existence was too constitutional

More than a conspiracy

My creations sparked legacies of literature

Now, through my kin,

I speak the voices of the chapels

Into gospel songs and hymns

Verses and bridges crossed over -

Now in juxtaposition to religion

Genesis was Genocide

The world began with a blanket of blood

My womb had wounds -

I forced a C- section

So humans see the spectrums of the rainbow (The stitches of my vasectomy)

Mother earth is tucked below my bosoms

My warm, salty tears are drops rain

But my smile…

Oh my smile,

Is the radiant rays of the sun

Book One: Genocide

I'se only as bright as day lets me be

My chillun will roams on this here belly

I wuz impregnated through the Anahata chakra

Beat-box'in square locks off's the guard off’s ma-heart

These here bonds made bones of de babe

I'se not a being of's a human

But the beings of a matter

I wuz pregnant fo' seven days

The big-bang theory wuz ma pregnancy

I'se grew eyes wide like the twinkles yaw see in de sky

The moon be my lustin lips

Always shin'

Immaculate masterpiece,

De way I licks ma-lipsssss

That's hows I made de moon shines

Mother Nature is da motha of ma-nature

My brown-honey skin was the surface made of dirt my kin learns to walk on

My chillun, please, lean on me

But don'ts breaks me

Into wats ya wants me to be

I be that - That

Morning sunrise and sunset

I'se brought ya into dis world

And I'lse take ya out

These here stretch marks ares the

Separation of da continents

I feels all the stuff that happens

Sees it with my own eyes

and I'se never forgets breathing life

Eva' since I'se a little girl

Playin double dutch in space

With my brotha, Venus & my sista, Jupiter

Dere be 8 of us

And we all gathas round the milky way

Count the stars

Steals they shine and

Puts dem in our eyes

We saved the stars fo' good times

We don't lets 'em burns out

Muh hands be gettin' shaky

And I don't knows if ma-back

Can support all these chillun

Give'in births to more chillun

I'se gettin' tired, Gotsa let my voice save sum

Sum up of ma-last words

Ma-last words are found

Where aint's nobody lookins fo' it …




       My mother (guardian spirit) was always a pleasure to be around. Every sunrise, which to our surprise, weren’t that bright, created a balance in our atmosphere. Stars and the cosmos constantly surrounded us. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner were in an abyss of blackness. And sometimes, if we were lucky, we got hints of the milky way without getting sucked in. Every morning, our guardian spirits would remind us of our legacy.

       In a firm tone, she said to me, “Mother Earth, you are to create the people. You must complete this task before your chakras are too open to birth them. If you fail to create and carve these beings, you will cease to exist.”

       I whined about it. Far too young to understand how the world would evolve. “But, Mighty Spirit, I want not to! Who shall deliver this world?” I said, in a low, confused tone.


       I never imagined being the mother of such a universe. My pregnancy was all the talk among my family. They couldn’t believe how big I’d gotten to be, nor the fact that I would continue to stick around. I hold the earth in the palm of my hands. Sometimes, I like to dance on the surface. As long as it remains in constant rotation, they’ll never know.

       Sometimes I sing to my baby Earth, making the birds hum, or adding a bit more sunshine from the sun to their days. They created this thing called “generations”, and I’ve seen all of them hatch into disasters – and some of them turned out to be magical.

       The funny thing is, I hear people talk to me. They think I’m not listening. They pray to “God” yet haven’t realized, I am Him of all things. Since the moment I set land to a prosperous planet.


The last I spoke to Pluto, my eldest brother, he told me of how he saw the future, and my people would no longer call him a planet. He revealed all of his life, and last left me with these succulent words,

“The world can be only what you desire it to spin as. Take the shine from the moon as your lips, steal the glow of the stars for a pitch. You can achieve it all with the universes as your pallet.”


That night, I cried candy-coated raindrops. My brother practically raised all eight of us, and I knew this would be the last we’d ever see him. But how can I blame a God if I am Him?

Final Thoughts

I never really understood where I came from. My existence has no roots as some would like to think. No expiration or creation date. All I do is the task I was told. Unlike humans, I have no soul. My memory is the entities that I’ve created. My words are never ending, because no one can hear them. You can only feel the way…


My hands scrape along lonely paths of dirt

The horizon I’ve created with my fingertips

Connecting the dots that some call stars

And when I play ping pong with them,

Shooting stars sometimes hit the target

Humans will never realize, death is a cauldron

Full of angels and devils, they both have wings

Hell on Earth is when I let freedom ring.



