The Post for Change (Blog Post #3)

This is Slavery

A Story, A Life

 People wonder what can "we" do to stop or change Human Trafficking? Like I said before there are main types of Human Trafficking such as Sex Trafficking and the Labor Trafficking. Both of these are horrible, but what will put an end to this? Humans (Victims) are tricking into thinking that they will finally be able to go to America or where that wish to go but are made into slaves that are forced to work way below the minimum wage. Also yes, it does happen in other places besides the United States. It happens mainly in Eurasia and according to research it does not have a high rate of happening in the US but that does not mean that it does not happen at all.

Hope, they take their hope and twist it. The Slave Traders take the Victims “Hope” of supporting their family, actually getting out of their home and twist into a promise that will never come true. The Slave Traders say “If you come with me I’ll take you to “blank” and all you need to do is work for me for a while.” That “while” will never end and the Victims and never meet their dreams. Their dreams will never come true, they will continue to work unless someone helps them. But how can that person help if they do not know where to help. The victims cannot call out for help because they are trapped, trapped as a slave in a foreign country. “They are largely silent, they have no voice, no hope, that’s the impact.”  

Here is a story that one of my fathers suggested to me, it talks about prostitution in Spain. Have you ever wondered where Human Trafficking Victims come from?

What could stop this or who? For example if this was happening in Pennsylvania, who could stop it? Many may think the president but President Obama can’t do anything. It is actually the local officials, such as Police. The problem is getting the police to actually get up and do something. Right now Police are lazy some are not. If the police investigated more into Human, Sex and Labor Trafficking, they could find a Slave Trading Route or a building where it takes place.

Now to make the Police in other countries to get up and do something. The President whether it is a he or she could definitely affect the Police and get them to do something. But maybe it is a problem with the Police, the Policemen or Policewomen could not be willing or wanting to help. No matter how hard people may try, it is almost impossible to stop men and women from having or thinking about coitus.

The Time to Act is Now, People of The World End This Crisis!


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