El Proyeto

Comments (5)

Jhazzelle Majarucon (Student 2018)
Jhazzelle Majarucon

I understood her saying that she likes to take pictures. Her mom and grandma are very fun. Her brother is 7 years old.

I liked how she described everyone’s personality.

I suggest her to start her sentences differently instead of just saying “Ella es…” in most pictures. I also suggest her to speak up more.

Kawthar Hasan (Student 2018)
Kawthar Hasan

I understood you and other people were in pictures and you were describing them I liked your first picture of your dress I suggest to add background music and sound more clear when you’re saying things in Spanish

Israh Mohammed (Student 2018)
Israh Mohammed

I understood that she likes math class and she lives in Philly. Her mom is really pretty and funny. Her friend is fun and pretty as well. Her brother is six years old. You have a big family. I liked the pictures you used for the video and how you included your family and friends.
I suggest to watch out for pronunciation for words like “abuelita”. Also, to have a more conversational speaking tone.

Paul-Ann Whyte (Student 2018)
Paul-Ann Whyte

I understood that you took a picture with your mom. She is really fun. You took a picture of a 1 year old and her name is Eva. You took a picture with your friend Logan who is really fun and pretty and smart. Your next picture was with your mother and brother. You then took a picture of you and your cat and the cat is black and white. The next picture is of your brother. The next picture is of your best friend Madison who is like your family. She is really pretty. I liked your pictures very much. I suggest that you work on your volume. It was really low.

Nadia Green (Student 2018)
Nadia Green

What I understood was that her name is Siani. She likes math class. Her mother is pretty and fun. Her grandmother is fun. Ava likes to talk and she one sister. Logan is pretty and fun. She is short.

What I liked was the pace of the speaking and also the pictures.

I suggest to speak more fluently.