Reflection-Sydney Rogers

Today in class we watched the "I am A Witness" video. The video was about a boy named Jack who was being bullied by a group of his classmates. First we watched the video without clicking on the emoji, and then we watched the video and we clicked on the emoji and Jack wasn't bullied and his story ended up happier when we clicked the emoji. This video made me think about how bullying isn't always a public issue but there are so many ways for a bully to hide themselves. There are different types of bullying too that so many people are unaware of and they don't even see it happening right before their eyes because it's hidden. 
I am someone who has multiple social media accounts, but I mainly use Snapchat and Instagram. I'm not a bully online and I haven't ever witnessed someone being bullied online, but if I ever do see something going on then I would say something or tell someone who could stop it. I don't think I'm a whole lot different from other people who are online. I keep to myself, I don't comment rude things or say anything to people online or anything like that. All my accounts online are private and although Snapchat can't really be private you can control who views your snaps and who can send you snaps and even when people add me as a friend I have the option to block them, deny them as a friend or let them add me. I think people perceive me based on this appearance as basically a pretty average teenager. I'm not so incredibly different from any other person online. I post pictures of myself and me and my friends, I don't talk about other people on any social media in a negative way. There isn't anything that separates me drastically from other teenagers my age I don't think. 

The goal of internet trolls is to get attention. They want to get a rise out of the person that the'ye bullying. Their whole purpose of cyber bullying someone is to get some form of attention from someone. Most cyber bullies remain anonymous which makes it harder for the person who is getting bullied to stop them or face them. When your bully is anonymous in a way they have more power over you because they can torment you all they want without having to deal with any consequences when the person being bullied can't stop them as easily and it makes it harder for the adult who is supposed to stop the bully. A positive point for a bully to stay anonymous is that it usually means that because they've chosen to bully you online as supposed to in person means they are too afraid to go up to you in person. I think it depends on the circumstances, but if you are only getting bullied online then that should mean that you are at least getting somewhat of a break from the negative vibes. 
