That's How it Usually Goes

They said “bye Ozzie!” and I tried to go with them, but they shut the door in my face. (pause) That’s how it usually goes, they leave and I’m left alone here like most every single day. I spent the first 10 minutes trying to open the door and go after them but because of my body disfiguration (looks at hands and sighs), I couldn’t unlock the door. I cried and whined as I can’t speak and waited in hope that they would come back for me, but to no avail. Sitting in front of the door I pondered why they would want to leave me alone as they said to me every day when I was young that they loved me.

Knowing that I was destined to be alone for the rest of the day, I then played with my favorite stuffed animal, whom they called “Winky”. “Winky” I had picked out at the consignment shop when I was less than a year old .The name originates from the fact “Winky” only came with one eye. I didn’t care as over the years “Winky” has given me the comfort I couldn’t get from anyone else. Calming down with one of my favorite friends, I asked Winky what I should do for the rest of the day. Nobody else can hear Winky, but he said that I should eat as eating always calms me down.

I went to the food they had left out for me and solemnly ate it. However, I was concentrating too much on how bored I was going to be that I ate my food all at once not even leaving a single crumb for me to eat later. (gets exasperated) I washed down my guilt with a nice few gulps of water and proceeded to go into my own room. My own room is very small, much more so than what the others have. I walked into and sat on the one piece of furniture I had, my bed. There I looked at all the stuffed animals I had beside me and wondered why I couldn’t have real live friends. The others had friends who came over very often always making a ruckus and playing with me as if I were a toy. Why can’t they understand that I am living like everyone else! (Gets emotional sadly and frustrated)

Whenever they take me outside, people look at me as if I am some sort of alien. Everyone wants to touch me and they always act as if I am a baby and speak to me in that super annoying, “sweety” (puppy dog voice)voice.(end sad and frustrated) Reflecting on it I get so upset but in the moment like many other things, I don’t mind because I forget my troubles. I love being outside, getting attention, and most of all, seeing my friends. They take me every other day around 3:30 pm to the park, so they call it. There I usually see my mentor Boris who has been on this planet beyond his years and everyday I listen to his teachings of life. I also meet Yuma, Chester, and Monet whom are my best play buddies and best friends. (gets happy and excited) Everyday we play tag and see who is the best in our boxing games and I admit I usually come out the loser. However, there are usually two others who really make me so very happy. She comes every day so I hear, with her other, Stephanie. When I have seen her, my heart melts into a pool of desire swirling around with hope and a twinge of despair as she only hangs out with her friends and the jocks. (becomes sad and pensive)

(end pensiveness) But enough talk about my daydreaming, I must tell you what else happened so far. After my longing to see the outside, I decided to have fun. I brought Winky with me to the big bedroom the largest others slept in. I flung Winky onto the bed and got onto the bed after him. Relaxing, we talked about how I found him and then we jumped on the bed together, pretending it was a trampoline. In our great fun I accidentally knocked over those big fluffy things they call pillows, but I didn’t bother to put them back. Then Winky made the great suggestion of getting more to eat. I was famished so we both went to where they stored my food. The others stacked it so high I became despondent until Winky told me where the others stored their food.

Then became what Winky and I will call The Great Fridge Raid Escapade. I latched onto the big slippery handle with my teeth creating some scratches and pulled with all my might to open the huge metal wall guarding what they hoard for themselves. I eventually succeeded and jumped up into the fridge grabbing my favorite snack,Carrots. I ripped the bag open and ate them all as fast I could leaving bits of plastic on the floor and creating a mess. I decided to try some more exotic foods such as a leafy thing titled Kale, note to self NEVER EAT AGAIN, Chocolate sauce and peanut butter. I think I still have a tummy ache still from the food I ate.

After closing the Fridge door I came to where I am now, back in my room, I don’t know when they will return and when they do they’ll scold me for a mess that I cannot remedy, play with me and then toss me aside for those glowing metal shiny things. I have pondered my fate, destined to…. (hears knock on the doors or unlock of door) THEY’RE HOME!!!!!  (Super Excited and runs off stage.)
