The Bed - Seyni N.

She’s still asleep. Does she know she has school today? She must be staying home again. Ugh, I need to be washed. I don’t think she’s noticed. Can someone crack a window? It’s so stuffy in here, how is she even wrapped in her blankets like that? Oh, she’s waking up. She’s checking the time… but she’s not freaking out. She’s definitely staying home from school, then. And… she’s going back to sleep. Nice. It’s almost eight in the morning. When did she get like this? I remember years ago, when we first met, she was so full of energy. She would always wake up before her alarm and was ready to start her day. Now she just… lays here. Am I the only one who notices? I must be the only one. I’m worried.

It’s almost noon. She’s been awake for the last three hours, but she hasn’t gotten out of bed. She’s just been on her phone. Isn’t she hungry? She hasn’t even eaten since seven o’clock last night… Isn’t she hungry? She has to be. Maybe she numbed it out. Can someone please crack a window? I can’t believe no one’s checked on her yet. I know they’re awake, I can hear them. I wouldn’t be surprised if they left her alone, even when she’s like this. It’s not like they notice, anyway. She’s practically cocooned in these blankets, unmoving, and no one even thought to peek their head in.

It’s cloudy today. There’s no way she’s doing anything productive today. I guess I better get comfortable.

I wish I could help her. I wish I could talk to her. I wish she knew she had someone who understands. I mean, I’m the one who’s always with her when she’s like this. Countless nights she’s spent here wondering if it’s worth it. I wish I could tell her it’s ok to just lay here sometimes. I wish I could tell her that none of it’s her fault. I never worry too much, though. I know at some point she’ll get back up again and make an effort - she always does. I admire that about her. In fact, sometimes I’m relieved when she takes a break. I can see the emotional toll everything takes on her.

I wish I could talk to her, but I can’t. I’m just a bed.

just a bed recording

Comments (4)

Jhazzelle Majarucon (Student 2018)
Jhazzelle Majarucon

I can relate to this character because I always notice that something is wrong with a friend of mine or a family member and always wished that I could comfort them with whatever worry they have. The last line is a simple yet a very strong line. This piece is very well written, sweet, and very understandable! Love this piece!

Paul-Ann Whyte (Student 2018)
Paul-Ann Whyte

I can connect this with character because I can realize the changes in people also. The most memorable part of this piece is the emotional strain that is put on this character because they cannot talk to the girl. It's a really heartfelt piece by a bed.

Destiny Patton (Student 2018)
Destiny Patton

I loved this because you really gave so many different aspects to it that you didn't know it was a bed until the very end. I connected with the bed kinda because of the level of concern I often feel that concerned about my friends as well. One moment that stuck with me is "Isn't she hungry" when you repeated it I was like 'this is so deep' and then when it ended, I still went back to that.

Cindy Chen (Student 2018)
Cindy Chen

I find it interesting how you chose to do your topic on the bed perspective. I can kinda connect with the person who not going to school because sometimes the bed is too comfortable to get out off! One moment in the monologue that will stick to me is the ending, " I wish I could talk to her, but I can't. I'm just a bed". This sticks out to me because this tell you who the perspective and I like how you didn't ruin the fun and put it at the end! Good Job