The sla Lincoln



The Reconstruction Herald



Washington, D.C — friday, April 14, 1865 — 1 pages five cents



Aftermath news of president Lincoln During the confusion of people reation cause of his death:

New plan for the predicament of reconstruction ERA And new president!!!!



Now Our beloved President abraham lincoln has died. The reconstruction plan lead to the successor of the next president andrew johnson, to handle the predicament of  that late president abraham lincoln left his position due to lincoln unexpectedly assassinated.Now how will the vulnerable andrew johnson deal the reconstruction plan and radical ?republicans.Could the president live up to lincoln ideal ?Cartoon of Lincoln and Johnson attempting to stitch up the broken Union


       Now President abraham lincoln will passed The law of  Emancipation proclamation. Announcements from president abraham Lincoln states And upon this act, sincerely believed to be an act of justice, warranted by the Constitution, upon military necessity, I invoke the considerate judgment of mankind, and the gracious favor of Almighty god from the Emancipation proclamation and said by abraham lincoln.

The laws of abraham lincoln that he passed in his prowess as presidents is praiseworthy to free all the its  slaves and those who are enslaved to gain freedom and lincoln  state that all men are created equally and his by virtue the power in me vested as commander¨.


Due to the aftermath of unexpected our beloved  president abraham lincoln death .Now in the currently reconstruction ERA that we all  live in, since lincoln  died here are the people responses  in all over the world in society to give it answer to responses of the lincoln death is  from the people responses is.

Said by the people Lincoln is the savior from slavery, Abraham Lincoln was considered the Union's most powerful and eloquent voice,he was the man who abolish slavery and other political of other presidents said Inexpressibly shocked and startled me sympathy for our country in the grievous loss we have sustained.NOW for the future will change!?   

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  1. Your artist statement:

  • At least 250 to 400 words

  • Explain at least 2 elements of the visual that may not be clear to the reader

  • Why does this matter? - Explain why the visual you created has meaning for the study of the Reconstruction era or African American history as a whole.

  • The visual that i created with my own ability the best i can for this visual that can be for history of reconstruction era that can be appealing and comprehension to history people and the two things can not understand is some of the picture and why does it matter it matter because people  want to learn how was like in the past and how compare our timeline for living i think this has meaning if the future would lead different if events was change so we can learn study of the Reconstruction era or African American history as a whole.
