Flowchart: Unemployment Benefits

UnemploymentFlowchart <------ Part 1 (Click here to view page)
UnemploymentFlowchartPartTwo<------ Part 2 (Click here to view page)

UnemploymentFlowchartPartThree<------ Part 3 (Click here to view page)

The task that both Johniera and I did was filling out out the unemployment benefits application, along with the flowchart. It took us a while to find the application because most times when we searched it, we couldn't find it. But luckily someone helped us on getting the application, and we got to work right away. It seemed like it was breeze because some of the pages were not mandatory to fill out, but there were some things that we didn't know & research for to understand. 

Other than that, the paperwork wasn't that bad. When it came to the flowchart, at first we didn't understand how detailed our flowchart had to be, so we researched examples. We then looked at the certain things people might not understand if they were to fill out the application, and we also looked at the frequently asked questions about the application to apply to the chart, which helped us made our chart as detailed as possible.

I really do not see that process being changed. I think it was straight forward the way it is. If it were to change, I think it would be complicated or unclear. When I say complicated, I mean if things were added, it would seem like too much. When I say unclear, I mean if something was taken out, a person would become confused on what is needed.

I believe that the only complicated part that a unemployed person would understand is when to fil for the claim, and the process after everything is completed. Johniera and I had to read carefully on what would happened after everything went through: how many benefits will a person get in a year, how much would it be, when to file for it, etc. Other than that, it's not a huge process.

What I did want to know was why did it have a section for those that had social security numbers that ended with "05". That would be something I'd have to research.


Bobby Flay  el pelo negro y rizadol. Tiene treinta y uno. tambien los ojos azules. no tiene un hermano y hermano. tiene un perro y gato.


Mi hermano mayor :)

Su nombre es Octavius. El tiene el pelo negro y liso. Él tambien tiene los ojos marrones.  Él tiene un hermana, una abuela y mas familia. Octavius tiene quince años, y su cumpleaños es cinco de agosto. Él tiene dos perros él encantas mucho. 

Block Party Permits

BlockPartyFlowRobert Broadwater and I together went to figure out the what the process of getting a block party permit would be. The process wasn't that daunting as most things in government, I assume it's this way because of how frequent block parties are in the city. By either getting the paper work yourself or downloading, we filled out some pretty basic and impersonal information which focused on the street and community the block party will be held. This paperwork was pretty much simple. I don't think there's anything I'd change about the process because it seems extremely easy and simple. I don't like the rain date scheduling, but then again, that allows people to plan more strategically when they'll plan their block parties. Without the set of rules and regulations for this permit, people would apply all over at anytime which wouldn't be too structured.


El pelo: Tiene el pelo muy largo y liso.

Los ojos: Tiene los ojos negros.

Familia: Tengo un hermana con pelo totalmente negro y un abuela con los ojos azules.

Edad: Él tiene cien años.

Él Familia

Learners Permit & Licence and Registration


Here is a link to our project. (Learners Permit )

Here is a link to our project. ( Registration)

 A brief summary about this project. This project was pretty much me and my partners actin as if we are getting our learners permit, getting out license and getting out vehicle registered. The process for the project was for me and my partner Alexis to research online and find the learners permit application and vehicle registration and  license. During this process  it took us a very long time looking for the MV-1 form, we asked  everyone looked everywhere online until we found gods little angles Ayanna and Donna who gave me and my partner the form.  I don't think i would change anything about what we flow charted, everything is pretty straight forward.  Why I think the system is complicated, well I guess to keep people from fraud but then again that happens pretty much everyday.


Ella tiene el pelo muy largo con los ojos marrones .Tiene una hermana pero no tiene hermano. Tiene un gato. Tiene veinticinco años.  
photos of beyonce by beyondbadge.blogspot
photos of beyonce by beyondbadge.blogspot


Traevon tiene el pelo negro y liso. Traevon tiene los ojos negros. él tienes dos hermanos menor. tambien, él tiene catorce años. 
Photo on 12-7-11 at 12.34 PM
Photo on 12-7-11 at 12.34 PM

Divorce Flow Chart

Click here to view our "Steps to Divorce" Flow Chart.

The bureaucratic process that Amber and I detailed with a flow chart was the process of getting a divorce. In the simplest form, a divorce is the process of ending a marriage and contains many different factors that can quickly escalate the process into an expensive, time filling process. Things like personal property and custody of children almost always extend the process along with numerous disagreements between the two spouses. The paperwork that Amber and I filled out was straight forward only because we filled out the form that did not require us to inquire about children or the split up of property between the two former spouses. If there was one thing I could change about the bureaucratic process it would be the never ending loop of paperwork that would have to be filed if disagreements are made between the two spouses that would result in a stand still for quite some time. I think the systems have become so complicated because of many other laws that have passed that present obstacles for these processes. Also, these obstacles are present to prevent exploits of the system and to provide checks and balances.

Filing for FAFSA

  • Here is the link to our flowchart: 

The bureaucratic task that my group and I selected was filling out FAFSA forms for college. The Free Application for Federal Student Aid is basically an essential part of the college process because it allows colleges to see whether or not you are eligible for financial aid, grants, and/or work study programs to help pay for college. 
Essentially the overall process for this bureaucratic task is self explanatory and it really involves a lot of paperwork that you should already have before you start the process such as your driver's license, your social security number, and tax records from the previous year. You basically answer all questions that apply to you and once you finish, if you are older than indicated on the form, you have to sign your name and agree that what you put on that form is completely accurate. If you are under the age depicted on the form, then you have to have your parents fill out their information and both of you sign together indicating everything on the form is completely accurate.
The paperwork was really easy, it was pretty self explanatory and straightforward as I stated earlier and all you needed to do was have your information ready, read the directions, and answer the questions as follows.
I don't think I would change anything about this process because overall it's very easy to do, nothing really complicated, nothing overwhelming, all you need is your paperwork and you're good to go.
I think that some of the other systems have become so complicated because it sort of requires it because people try to get over on the system all the time and the harder you make that system, the harder it is to try to play the system. This in particular is set at the level it is to make this part of college process as painless as possible given there are other things people have going on, especially seniors in high school. 
Overall this was a particularly great project to have participated in and I really learned a lot from this experience. I know now how to fill these types of forms out with no problem and feel really accomplished now that I have been able to get practice.