Mstuart Quarter 4 Benchmark

Here is a link to my website which tells the story of what life would be like if congress had not passed the Us Copyright Term Extension Act in 1998.

Describe the most interesting fact or event that you investigated.
-One of the most interesting facts was that many classic disney characters would have gone into public domain and would have been able to be ued by anyone.  Also lots of other works would have gone in too, such has Gone With The Wind and Early Ernest Hemingway works
How do the actions of individuals impact the historical record?
-In the real world the law would have never been passed if not for the work of Mary Bono, wife of Sonny Bono who originally wanted the bill.  If not for their actions, and those of Disney my hypothetical situation might have come true.
How do systemic changes impact the historical record?
-In my hypothetical situation, one of the main reason the law did not pass was because the public was against it for seeming to unconstitutional. Even though in real times this happened it was not to such a great extent that it stopped the law from passing.
How influential can one decision be in the historical landscape?
Hugely influential, with out some key acts in history, events could be drastically changed. One good vvisual example of this was in the movie "The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button" Where he goes through the last five minutes before someone got hit by a car and all the way it could have been avoided. 
How could this project be improved?
I believe if we had been allowed to use the 60's era there would have been more events to choice from.  However I enjoyed the project and think it's really great.
If you had it to do over, what would you change about your process for the project?
I would have chosen an event that had a greater impact of society then mine.  I also would have something older.

POD: Huey Newton/ Black Panther Party

Here is my project.

This has been a very interesting benchmark. This has been the most difficult to process to me and I still feel like I am not getting the assignment. Creating primary source docs for my project has been confusing me until today. Finding existing primary source documents were easy for me since the earliest date of my project is in the late 60's. I decided to pick Huey Newton as my point of divergence because I not only wanted to think of a different outcome, but dive into the information and history associated with him. I liked that we had the ability to choose our own Point of Divergence because it helped us be more creative and original. The challenging part for me was when I had to put all my information into one easy to follow presentation. I decided to use Prezi because it was visually pleasing and adds "pop" to a project. It is amazing to see how one individual action can impact the outcome of a nation. I could of improved my project by adding more created documents and going in-depth on the present day outcome of my Point of Divergence. If I had to do it over I would change the time it took me to complete this assignment. This was the first time I was a little concerned about getting my assignment completed on time. 

Works Cited

Baggins, Brian. "Black Panther Party." Marxists Internet Archive. 19 May 2002. Web. 07 June 2011. <>.

Cassidy, Mike. "A Short History of FBI COINTELPRO." Albion Monitor., 26 May 1996. Web. 07 June 2011. <>.

Fields, Sean. "Today In Black History: Huey Newton." Y.E.B. Blogspot, 17 Feb. 2010. Web. 07 June 2011. <>.

Hintz, Dani. "The Story of Black Panther Huey P. Newton Has as Much Resonance and Relevance Today as It Did in the '60s. | Miscellany." Style Weekly - Richmond, VA Local News, Arts, and Events. Style Weekly, 1 Jan. 1991. Web. 07 June 2011. <>.

"Huey P. Newton :: Philosophy :: Lumpenproletariat - Social Justice Wiki." Main Page - Social Justice Wiki. 14 Feb. 2004. Web. 07 June 2011. <>.

"New Black Panther Party for Self Defense: Introduction." ADL: Fighting Anti-Semitism, Bigotry and Extremism. ADL, 1 June 2011. Web. 07 June 2011. <>.

Tyehimba:, Cheo. "IKR | Timeline: KEY EVENTS IN BLACK PANTHER HISTORY." I've Known Rivers The MoAD Diaspora Stories Project. Known Rivers, 5 Apr. 2006. Web. 07 June 2011. <>.


Gina Dukes Q4 Benchmark

This is the link to my website that details how America would be today if the Supreme court did not decide that "separate but equal" was unconstitutional in the Brown v. Board of Education case. The point of divergence that I focused on was instead of dying, Chief of Justice Fred M. Vinson lives and Earl Warren does not take his place, therefore Vinson is alive to rule against Brown in the case.

My Reflection:

What I liked about this project is that we were given complete freedom of which point in history to focus on. Also, I loved the fact that we were given the power to change the course of American history to anything that we wanted. The most challenging thing about this project was focusing on completing it in the midst of working on other projects that had to be completed. I am also a huge procrastinator, so it was a challenge for me to complete everything on time. The most interesting fact that there were many cases similar to Brown v. Board of Education, however, the NAACP chose to have Oliver Brown present his case because they felt that his character was very respectable and would give them a good chance of having a verdict in their favor.

In my project, the actions of a few individuals had a major impact on the course of American history. Once Martin Luther King Jr., Kivie Kaplan and Malcolm X joined to fund three schools in the segregated American South that was specifically for Blacks, they set off a Renaissance in Education in which Blacks fought hard to receive the same quality education as Whites. The systematic changes impact the historical record in a momentous way as well, because once segregation was deemed constitutional in the Brown v. Board of Education case, it lasted for a few decades in the United States until Blacks began to reach the same economic and education standards as Whites and President Clinton abolished segregation in 1995.One decision can greatly influence the course of history. As shown in my project, the Brown v. Board of Education case rocked America and determined the role of African Americans for years to come.

 I think that this project could have been improved if students were allowed to choose the number of primary sources they needed to make for each new event, instead of their being a minimum of 2.If I had to do it over again, I would not procrastinate as much and I would also put more effort into my primary sources.

What if Project: Attack of Pearl Harbor

For this project we had to take an event in history and pick a certain point in that event and change it and see what other events that would change because that one event was different. For my project I chose to do it on The Attack of Pearl Harbor, the POD(point of divergence) I chose was that the radio system was working, because it wasn't, and they were able to warn the naval base in time for them to be prepared for the attack.

I really liked how we got to choose our own topic for the project, though at times it was a bit difficult finding exactly what to do, it was still nice knowing there wasn't really a boundary you could do whatever you wanted with it. The most challenging part I think was trying to figure out the different events that would change because of the moment I changed. So like the outcome of it all was kind of difficult to determine, because you really had to research what really happened, what was the outcome of that and even what was happening before. Because you had to change it all, depending on if that moment would change it.

The most interesting fact that I investigated and found out was actually two things. The first one was actually the moment I changed which was that the whole reason Pearl Harbor didn't get the warning from Washington D.C in time was because the radio wasn't working so they had to find a different way to reach the men at Pearl Harbor, which I didn't know. The second thing I found interesting was one of the reason Japan attacked the naval base, maybe the biggest reason, which was because the U.S cut Japan off from the oil resource, which I wasn't aware about either. So those two things I thought were really cool because they clarified a lot of what happened for me and actually became the main points of my project.

It still amazes me that one moment in and event can flip around so much. From one decision in battle to a radio not working, it effects a lot of events after it. I remember one of my classmates saying this in class and it really stuck in my head. They said it was almost like dominoes falling, like a chain reaction, you knock one down which then knocks another down and then another and so on. One little moment in history changes one thing which can change another and this whole chain reaction starts.

I think the project itself was good, but maybe when explaining what to do for the project having an example of work that a previous student had done. That way the students can build off that with ideas and fully understand what the teachers are looking for in the project.

If I had to do this project over I would defiantly ask for more help with the research portion, I feel like even though I research a lot, I got stuck at certain parts with deciding what the different outcomes are going to be like or what moment would be good to focus on. Maybe organize my time better and defiantly no facebook while doing homework.

To see my finish product:

1)  Just click the picture at the bottom (download)

2) Or go to this LINK

English/History Changing History BM

    English and History decides once again to collide benchmarks to make the season easier for us. Our assignment was to identify a point in American History in which we are interested in and change it which would include a point of divergence and 3 new events that proceeds it. I actually enjoyed working on this project. Although it required much research and thinking, the process of it, after knowing the actual history, wasn't as bad. While researching, one of the most interesting events or facts that I've found was William Wilberforce who wanted to abolish slavery because the section in the Declaration of Independence that mentioned slavery was not accepted by southerners who've attended the congress meeting. I believe I made it harder on myself choosing an event in history that the Declaration of Independence was not accepted. When I thought about it, it was simple-minded ideas but you had to make sure your new events would actually fit with history. That being said, for future references, I would not choose the Declaration of Independence to not be written which had a big impact on history and 2011 today.

Bach Q4 final product

Click here for the final product

Click here for the bibliography

My project was focused on the social changes that would result from Great Society plan of Johnson in the scenario of JFK was still alive. The point of divergence focused on the "what if" of JFK's signing of the Foreign Assistance act of 1962. 

The project was enjoyable toward the end, not as same as it was irritating and mysterious in the beginning. The most challenging part was when I began to think about events that would be emerging as result of the POD. I had a hard time to find event that would logically fit with that point in history. Beside that, making the primary source was quite an amusing journey. I was able to be the history writer, where I could decide history and talk bad about people while still can be viewed as a valuable primary source. It was interesting how sometimes however I  modified the event, it almost impossible to not let it happened. If I had to do it over, I would love to start it earlier, and create more primary sources. 

What If....

What if Chinese Immigration never existed. That is the point of diversion I did for this project. The most challenging part of this project was the history behind this finding information, about this project; history about chinese immigration.  Honestly if I had more time to do this project i would totally revamp the entire thing.  I've never knew anything about the project, even this might seem a bit awkward, but I never actually knew about World War II ending with an atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan. The impact that the Chinese people have made in the United States are the fact that the majority of the consumers in america, the major companies are owned by Chinese. Major shoe companies  the manufacturing comes from Asia. So thats like a huge impact in America's  International trade routes. 

This project could improve, just by me going back a lil further in time to make this more informative and it would also help my point of diversion much much more.

<div class="prezi-player"><style type="text/css" media="screen">.prezi-player { width: 450px; } .prezi-player-links { text-align: center; }</style><object id="prezi_opnxukz94id9" name="prezi_opnxukz94id9" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="450" height="400"><param name="movie" value=""/><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true"/><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"/><param name="bgcolor" value="#ffffff"/><param name="flashvars" value="prezi_id=opnxukz94id9&amp;lock_to_path=0&amp;color=ffffff&amp;autoplay=no&amp;autohide_ctrls=0"/><embed id="preziEmbed_opnxukz94id9" name="preziEmbed_opnxukz94id9" src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" width="450" height="400" bgcolor="#ffffff" flashvars="prezi_id=opnxukz94id9&amp;lock_to_path=0&amp;color=ffffff&amp;autoplay=no&amp;autohide_ctrls=0"></embed></object><div class="prezi-player-links"><p><a title="" href="">Chinese Immigration</a> on <a href="">Prezi</a></p></div></div>​

Point of Divergence: Nuke used in North Korea

Click HERE to view my project that details the alternate events that could have occurred if America decided to use nuclear weapons during the Korean War in the 1950's.


This project actually took a lot of time when compared to the other benchmarks that we've done throughout the course of the year because changing one thing meant we were changing the course of history. That one change could drastically change the future and it was a challenge thinking all of that through. However, that is also what I liked about this project. It let us be creative, while also challenging our changes to reality. I had investigated many events but I would have to say that the most interesting would have to be the relationship between North and South Korea as well as the Korean war because of the conflicts that were going on at the time. The actions of America mostly impact my alternate timeline negatively because our government felt entitled to drop bombs on other countries simple because they had done it before without thinking of the ramifications, which usually were on the negative side for both America and the country they nuked. For the most part, the most systemic changes in my alternate reality involved communist countries switching over to a democratic approach, which was good for the citizens and the world. One person can be very influential, the mere signing of a paper can authorize the death of millions of people, like in Hiroshima or Nagasaki. This project could have possibly been improved by completing it on some other format other than a website. If I had to do this project over I wouldn't wait until the last week to really start working to end up with a better, more polish final product.

What If Project: DDT

For our fourth quarter benchmark for English and History, we each chose a decision – mundane, famous, or anything in between – from all of American history. We researched that decision, finding at least three primary source documents from just before the decision point. We then figured out a plausible way to change that decision. We followed the effects of the change through history, making up three events and describing an alternate 2011. For each of our three events, we fabricated two primary source documents. We chose a method for telling the whole story, and put it all together into a final product. I looked at the decision to ban DDT, and made a fake class project from the alternate 2011.

Although I originally had a lot of trouble finding my decision point, I ended up enjoying this project a lot. I researched the government decision to ban the chemical pesticide DDT – and other pesticides. I was fascinated to find that one book, Rachel Carson's Silent Spring, started a huge movement against pesticides. Carson succeeded in publishing a book that truly spoke to the public. The Chemical Industries, of course, fought back hard against Carson's message. They were not as adept at squashing opposition then (in the 60s) as they are now. In my alternate history, the Chemical Industries decided to bribe a few key figures, and managed to keep Carson's book from getting any publicity. I loved researching the whole thing – it really seemed like one person, Rachel Carson, had made a huge difference in the course of the world. She was a biologist and writer, and that fortunate combination allowed her to write a convincing, beautiful, and readable book about the effects of the toxic pesticides on the environment and on human health. With that single action, she was able to, indirectly, pass a law through Congress.

My favorite part of the actual creating of the project was definitely fabricating primary source documents. I felt so cool, like some kind of all-powerful, primary-source-creating being. I like formatting everything, too. I found specific examples of various types of primary source documents and then made my own versions look as accurate as possible. I definitely also had fun with my invention of a history project, although I think that I could probably improve the actual writing on the pages. I didn't spend as much time on creating the website as I did on creating my primary source documents. I also wish I'd been able to make my cartoon more readable, but I think that it's clear enough to make its point. One of the things I'm most proud of in this project is how well I managed my time. Although I was stressed out and a bit behind at the beginning of the project because of my trouble choosing a topic, I worked diligently during the first week of the assignment and was able to relax during the second week.

Take a look at my project!

-- Luna Sofia Frank-Fischer

Alsardary English/History BM Quarter 4


I really liked this project because it truly was a great experience for me. I learned SO much that I didn't know about the United States government before what it actually is known to be today. It was a very great learning experience and I honestly got to test my skills and see how I could change history to make my own history and decide how changing one point in history will change all of history as a whole. It was fun to make my own magazine as well. The most interesting fact/thing that I investigated was the Articles of Confederation. I honestly never knew about how bad our government was before the Constitution and even that we actually had a government. The actions of individuals impact the historical record in a huge way because that one action my have prevented something terrible from happening or that one thing could have been the reason something happened the way it did. If those actions weren't there, the historical record could change completely. Systematic changes impact the historical record in many ways. For example, the constitution made a HUGE impact on the historical record by keeping the United States whole and dependent, and also making us the great power we are today. If that wasnt there, we would honestly be a whole different nation in general, controlled by others and weak. One decision can be extremely influential to the historical record because that decision can decide the outcome of the following events. For example, if James Madison was not there to encourage the Constitution, then we would have become an independent 13 colonies and we would have completely different laws, currencies, and much more. This project can be improved by maybe being a bit more descriptive and maybe a little more time to reflect and get feedback from others. If I had to do this project over, I would have not procastinated so much. I would have finished the project SO much faster. Overall, I had a great time with this project and it was very interesting and influential to me.

To view my project and learn more about what I did: Click Here!
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Screen shot 2011-06-07 at 3.53.54 PM

Dennis Mawson quarter 4 History Benchmark

​Here is my project

The thing that i found most fun about this project, was coincidentally the same thing i thought was the most difficult, and that was the fact that there were so many different possibilities. It was very fun to see how different events related to one another, and how changing one could set off this long domino effect about all of history.

The most interesting fact that i faced was that there was this man, and his name was Aaron Burr, and he liked to go around challenging presidents to duels and things of that nature. He was a really cool guy, and he wasn't afraid of anything.

It was fun to see how just the action of Aaron Burr doing something, granted shooting someone, but still, it was interesting to be able to explain how it could push events forward or backward, or change the whole focus of an area. These systematic changes allowed a whole new system to rise up, and everything to change in ways that today we think would be absurd, but in another world, could be normal. Just one decision can completely change the way that history takes it's course, and can allow many things to change.

This project could be improved if i added more documents, and spent more time looking into the details of what happened between the point of divergence and now. I feel like it had to be rushed at some points in order to meet restraints such as time. If i had to do the project over, i would probably spend more time creating my primary sources, and make them look more realistic, and not just like copy pastes or direct words of it, but make it look like the actual resource.


President Bruce Lee

Changing History 
Project here


What i liked most about this project was the use of information I had foreknowledge of to create a future i wanted and believed to be possible if my point of divergence actually happened. The most challenging aspect was finding the original primary source documents as bruce Lee the man it centered on was only in the main stream stop light for a very limited time before his death. A lot of information pertaining to him was secondary accounts or stated after his death. The most interesting event I investigated was the effect of implementing cash incentives to entice people to do what was for their own good which delved a bit into making people do what is good for them and a bit of a moral debate of whether it is justified to do so. My project had an extreme impact on the historical record which is quite impressive. The changes one person can make influence the entire world especially the actions of some one who is a great motivator. Systematic change impacts the historical record because the historical record is nothing more then a list of the systematic change that occurred and the reasons why they did. Ones decisions can drastically effect the historical landscape because people in great positions of power set up the goings on for there time which can set president for the future and also become a part of the historical record. This project might be able to be improved with a bit of intricate photoshopping to add my dead protagonist into scenarios past when he died in the real historic time line. I would start working on the primary source docs sooner if i had to start over again.
english benchmark

History/English BM Quarter 4 "What if?"

magazine cover
magazine cover
    For our forth quarter benchmark in english and history classes, we had to pick a point of divergence and change history through that one point. I focused on when President Truman dropped the atomic bomb on Japan during World War II. My change is that he decides not to drop the bomb. Below are links to the magazine that I created in attempt to show this event through a 2011 lens and show how it changed our history.

    I really enjoyed the freeness of this project. We had a completely open range of topics and presentation ideas. It made it very interesting and also fun to be able to choose what we want to focus on. The most challenging part was definitely created primary sources and predicting what history would be like with this big change. Although this was also sometimes fun, it was also very difficult. The most interesting information I found was around the World War II and Vietnam War which I had to research extensively for my history changes.
    The actions of individuals impacts the historical record through the smallest change. In my project, I changed one specific decision in Truman's long life. Because of this one decision, history could play out entirely differently. One human, interestingly enough, can have an immense affect on historical record. Systemic changes impact the historical record in the same way. I focused a lot on how Japans community and economy change drastically because of this event. This then changes historical record to no end. This same important decision of Truman dropping the atomic bomb also affected the entire landscape of Japan. Had it been dropped, (which it really did) Japans environment would be entirely destroyed. They would have to rebuild up their entire community based on this one decision.
    My project could be improved by adding more editorials about each event and decision within my magazine. This would improve the debate aspect of my magazine and also help tell the story that I created from multiple views in more depth. If I could do this project over, I would have started my primary sources earlier. I spent over a week creating them because I felt the need for them to be super detailed and in depth. Obviously, I spent too long on them and then felt rushed in the last 5 days to create my magazine and editorials. However, I do not have any regrets. I worked hard and am proud of my final product.

Here is my Magazine

Here is a document with the primary sources I created which are also displayed in the magazine

English/History BM: Changing History

Photo on 2011-06-02 at 09.35
Photo on 2011-06-02 at 09.35
In History, 11th Grade has been thinking about how change impacts our world. To reflect on this question, the last benchmark project we are doing is to change a part of our past and thinking about how this would impact 2011.

My project on what would happen if Ohio had never ratified the 21st amendment can be viewed here.

To view my script for one of my Primary Sources, click HERE.

 What I enjoyed about this project most was delving into the details of the history. However, I thought this was the most challenging. It required me to research, research, research. I found some wonderful sites, but I struggle with finding good primary sources among the secondary. I became an expert on pre and post-prohibition. I thought the way that gangsters turned Prohibition into a business opportunity was the most interesting.
    Upon reflection, I think that individuals can impact history, but only if they have enough power to do so. If JFK had lived to lead our country, America would be very different today, because he was president and had power from the people. However, the changes he create would be much slower than a systemic change. I think that systemic changes impact the world much more than individually. Systems create respect, by acting to promote one side, the rest of the world feels the need to listen to them. With events like protests and rallies, things like the Prohibition get created.
    I loved this project, I think it was an excellent way to end the year. I think it would be cool if there were other ways to present our information. I think a monologue or a kids book would be interesting and challenging. If I could do this project over again, I would pick a different medium to present my findings. As I said above, a monologue would be super cool!

Emancipation Proclamation Point of Divergence

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Screen shot 2011-06-07 at 2.15.50 PM
  • What did you like about this project? What was most challenging?
    I liked that you had control over the outcome of the change that happened in America.
  • Describe the most interesting fact or event that you investigated.
    It was interesting reviewing some Abraham Lincoln quotes about abolishing slavery.
  • How do the actions of individuals impact the historical record?
    Choices that the president (President Lincoln) made affected America as a whole. And many slave owners disobeyed the law once it was a law to abolish slavery.
  • How do systemic changes impact the historical record?
    Things in history occurred at a certain point in history for a reason.  
  • How influential can one decision be in the historical landscape?
    A leader can influence many brains of the American people and influence decisions that can effect America as a whole. 
  • How could this project be improved?
    I feel like I could have gone into more detail about the background to the project and the background history.
  • If you had it to do over, what would you change about your process for the project?
    If I had more time I would've made a video.

Elemental Print Project 2011

Photo on 2011-05-31 at 12.20 #2
Photo on 2011-05-31 at 12.20 #2
My element is the element named Argon. My element is used for neon signs. I thought the project was a fresh reminder of art. I only draw stuff like dragons so something like this would not have been in my art book. What i would differently is probably ask can i change my element to something funner. In this project we had to think and create and picture describing a element using what you knew from your research. I first had to research the element Argon and then had to create a picture. Since argon is the most laziest element because it does not react to other elements. since i knew that i created the Letters that stand for argon ( Ar ) and placed them on a couch. 
I then made them look lazy by slanting them an making the couch look nasty and old.

The most surprising part of this art work was the steps it took to finish it. I thought we would just draw a picture and stamp it but instead we had to draw it then trace it. When we traced it we then used some carpet stuff to make the stamp. We had to make sure that the picture was on backwards so that when we stamped it would come out the right side. When we had our stamp we used different colored ink and rolled the ink over the stamp. We stamped the stamp on paper and waited still they dried. 

My element is the element named Argon. My element is used for neon signs. I thought the project was a fresh reminder of art. I only draw stuff like dragons so something like this would not have been in my art book. What i would differently is probably ask can i change my element to something funner. 

The Emancipation Proclamation

During the month of may and June water stream has been working on creating history that is really not history in a way that is really cool. We were asked to pick an event in history that really did happen and change it around so that what if it never happen what would life be like today during 2011. How could changing history affect America today? We were to create primary source's that went along with out event that we changed. 

I decided to complete my project on Abraham Lincoln and the emancipation proclamation. I wanted to change what if he would have never created or sign the emancipation proclamation how would life be like today. Would the slaves be free like they are today or would they still be enslaved? Well if you listen to my pod cast that me and my Aunt Samira has put together then it will explain everything and so much more. I HOPE YOU ENJOY :) 
click for the.... The Emancipation Proclamation (Script)   

Benchmark Reflection 

I like being able to talk to my aunt about what the project was about and she helped me put together a really interesting project that is full of fun facts that I had a nice time learning about. The most challenge part about this project was making the primary sources for what we had changed and because it did not really exist is what really made it harder but I came though some what and when I found out what I had to do and understood it I was on my job and got as much as possible done. The most interesting fact or event that investigated was the fact that Abraham really didn't want to pass the emancipation proclamation and when he did it really didn't do much for the actual slave stated I mean don't get me wrong it did help some but very few. So that was the most interesting part for me. I think that any one can change history it is a very powerful thing to do but it is very possible for example look at Obama he was just a regular African American man who was just successful and now he is the first black president so I think any individual can have an impact on our future. When bills and different things of that nature are passed really impact the world and the people in it buy what it is saying and how you have to go by things. Historic things can affect the world around us in a blink of an eye if we look at our history it has been change in so many ways we cant even explain in short words but has been done to take an effect for year with a bank of an eye. This project could improve my maybe giving topics to chose from that way were can stick to one thing and that is that. If I could change something I did differently about this project it would have to be time management and also getting clarification sooner. Other than that I really put in time and hard work in to my emancipation proclamation project all over. 

Q4-The Emancipation Proclamation

Blog #2

Sound is produced from a percussion instrument by hitting the instrument and vibrations come out. You change the pitch of the instrument, by hitting the instrument in different places. The physical characteristics of my instrument that are necessary is making sure the pipes are alligned in the right form. For my instrument the materials I will by using are, wood, copper pipe, and nails. I will need these to create my instrument. To make my instrument I will cut the copper pipe, in different lengths and along them together.

Blog #1

The instrument I am interested in playing is a percussion instrument, the xylophone. The xylophone is played using a mallet. Using the mallet, you hit the different pipes along the xylophone. You change the sound of the xylophone, by placing hitting on the different parts arranged along the xylophone. By placing the mallet on different pipes, the note is changed. The xylophone is many pipes alligned next to each other. 

SLA Students Starting their own Businesses

Students in the Individualized Learning Plan (ILP), "Startup Corps" spent the year developing their own businesses and organizations from scratch.
Michael Sanders, above, worked with seasoned entrepreneurs to develop his idea of a babysitting substitute: a place where parents can go for an outing, with a separate area for monitoring children.  His business is not open yet, but he's planning to complete his vision in the years to come.
​Rashaun Williams (left) and Anthony Torrance (right) started a non-profit called "Fresh Philly," whose mission it is to make the city of Philadelphia a more beautiful place.  They've organized volunteers to complete neighborhood cleanups and garbage sweeps, and also have collaborated with other local non-profits.  Rashaun Williams was awarded the First Niagara Scholarship in the amount of $2,500 for his incredible progress and commitment to the program and his community. 
​Gisela Giolafina, above, worked with her community church to raise over $15,000 to start a community space for South Philadelphia children and adolescents.  The goal of this project is to create better outcomes for young Philadelphians by providing them with a safe, productive environment for after school hours.
​Tenzin Ngawang used graphic design software to design her own line of bumper stickers.  She sold these at school and donated the profits to Red Cross disaster relief in Japan.
​Blase Biello started a mobile application development business, called BLOxAPPS, which already has iOS and Android apps on the market, bringing in a profit.  Search the Android Market for BLOxAPPS to see his work.
Elona Myftaraj (front) and Newon Dennis (back) collaborated to create a fashion line called "Enticing."  Newon was responsible for the designs, while Elona managed production.  They worked together on marketing strategies and accounting.  Elona and Newon were awarded the Pierce Scholar of the Year Award for their business and were presented with $500 to invest in its future.
The Startup Corps Individualized Learning Plan (ILP)

English Portfolio

Throughout my ninth grade year in Science Leadership Academy, I have overall progressed to different stages of writing. Here in my English portfolio varies my multiple pieces of work that show I have progressed in many categories in finishing the school year. 

In the beginning of the year, Ms.Dunn assigned us the project of creating a "Me Magazine”. The magazine contains articles, pictures, and facts about your life. In my magazine, I put three articles that are written on my inspiration for music, passion for the Twilight Saga, and Christmas that my family attends each year. A reason for creating this project was so we could reflect on our work at the end of the year. After reviewing my magazine in May, I seen how much I improve on my academic life. 

In the second quarter benchmark, we were learning about vignettes. A vignette is a story that illustrates a short episode in life. We read multiple examples of vignettes and we were assigned to create a vignette about an important part in our lives. I chose to write about my third grade year. The vignette explains important details in the year that lead up to my two front teeth being chipped. These important details have changed me to become who I am now and for that I titled this piece Karma.


January 2005

             I was in third grade when I perceived this world as unfair and confusing. Being the victim of damage changed my perspective on how I labeled people. Being nine years old supplied me with happiness and a peace of mind of my surroundings. I never expected being shattered in half by people I knew and respected. I figured that no matter what I did in that moment, I would still get hurt for what I did wrong. But what did I do wrong? Was that consequence necessary for picking that choice? I say no, but what I think doesn’t matter. Karma has that funny effect. What goes up must go down.

And I did.

September 2004

When I came into the classroom the first morning, I stopped and they stared. Finding a seat was harder that year considering the fact that I tripped on the walk there. After about two months of the stumbling issues, the laughter stopped. My classmates realized that I didn’t have the best sense of equilibrium. Yet they could tell my intelligence carried me to the honors as if I was on a magic carpet ride. (Simile) That was what kept me from recognizition the first month.

             Even after Halloween passed, we were still getting new classmates. They came, they sat, and then fought and argued. But there was one classmate that stood out from the rest. She was my new friend and the class tease. The thing was that she wasn’t my best friend. That was someone else, the class popular Danielle Ashford. There were others too and we stuck together to survive the grade and the school as if third grade was a real war. (Simile) The thing that I didn’t ponder upon until it was too late was that it was.

 December 2004

Ms. Whaley finally got through a class lesson without interruptions. The reason why was because half of the class was asleep. We were supposed to have one partner to complete the assignment with. The awkward problem was which partner. During the lesson, only so many of us were awake. Destiny and I were the most wide-awake. So automatically we should have worked together. But that’s not how it followed through.

Tap, Tap, Tap!( Rep-for-affect)

Danielle woke to me banging on her desk behind me. I told her as quiet as I could to wake up so we could work together instead of the new girl and me. Yeah, it was wrong but usually when I stood beside Destiny, I drifted away from the social group I belonged- or though I belonged- in.

“Danielle, wake up!” I shook her lightly.

“Huh, what you wake me up for?”

“ We have to work together, hurry up before she hear me.”

“ Who?”


“Oh good, I don’t know why you even talk to that little girl.”

I lied completely. “ I only do it cause I feel bad for her.” The honest truth was that I enjoyed Destiny’s company and it was a lot healthier than Danielle’s or the rest of my friends. Though I would never admit that to them.

“Its not fair to her to have to be here and get messed with.” I added in for my benefit.

“Jordan, its not fair to us to have to smell her.” Danielle laughed harshly.


What was even worst than her comment was the fact that Destiny heard that. She heard our whole conversation and the only thing I could do was continue to look at her with guilty, pleading, and worried eyes. (Magic 3)

             I knew I did a bad thing by turning away from Destiny. I made it worse when I talked about her even though it wasn’t true. I was changing in a bad way, being easily influenced by the anger and hatred around me. The poison was affecting Destiny too, she looked into my eyes and knew I was sorry but didn’t care. I was just another label to her, and I was labeled Liar.

 January 2005

             Accusations were being passed around being the new trend in the catalogue. (Metaphor) The sweetest gossip however was that boys were stronger than girls and were undefeatable.

It was obvious that that statement would be tested soon. Recess was next on the schedule and I chose to be alone that period. I knew play fighting would turn into serious fighting and that someone would get hurt. I knew my own strength and didn’t have to prove anything. But apparently, boys don’t know their’s.

A classmate of mine got suspended for hurting a girl during the game. Recess was taken away from us all and now the staff had an angry case of 10 year olds to deal with. For the rest of the week, the contestants decided to play in the classrooms or afterschool. I still couldn’t be convinced to play and that was the final answer. No.

January 2005

Tuesday 2:25 pm

English Class

Room 325

“Jordan come on I got your seat” Danielle tells me.

“Thank you”


It was the last class of the day. I wanted to go home afterschool and do homework and eat. That was how I planned to fix my worries. Instead my solution was delayed.

I was sitting with my friends while doing my work when the terror started.

“Destiny, girl I like your hair! Who did it your little brother?” Shamika shot out.

Oh no. I thought to myself. Please just leave this girl alone today.

“No one did anything to my hair, Shamika.” Destiny replied tiredly, she could tell she was being sarcastic and sassy.

“That’s what I thought, but I just had to ask.”


This was pointless; the bickering didn’t make sense enough to understand but enough to make someone cry. And that’s what Destiny did, she cried. She was fed up with the comments that were undeserved.  I couldn’t help her, like before I turned my back on my former friend and continue with my crowd. The only difference was that I didn’t comment at all. Not to defend her or embarrass. For this decision I knew I was even worse than before.

Beep, Beep!!

The bell rung signifying that the school day was over. I packed my books and went to stand in line.

 “Okay everyone, make sure you have all of your work complete and have a good night-”Miss Finch was cut off and the life for me began.

The boy who got suspended took his anger out on Shamika. He pushed her into the wall and she pushed back. Danielle head-locked him and the rest of the class joined in. There I was trying to get out of the commotion with a few others and got trapped.

I was tripped and brought to the floor. I tried to get back up but I couldn’t. Someone-a boy- stomped my head into the floor.

“Stop, Stop everyone!” The teacher screamed.


I rolled over on my back with tears in my eyes and blood in my mouth.

“Jordan!” Danielle cried. “She chipped her teeth!”

These words were foreign to me, but I couldn’t make since of them because I was hurt. Physically, mentally, emotionally, and verbally.

“Help her, get her up.”


“Oh god”


“Ha ha ha”

They screamed all these things and yet I was still on the floor. It was my best friend- my protector, the influencer, -Danielle that helped my up and shielded me through their staring eyes.

It seemed like when we passed Destiny on the way to the nurse that we knew this was coming. My terror, she served hers. She didn’t deserve it and now she wouldn’t get it. It was my time to stand by her and protect just like Danielle did for me. I was in third grade when I perceived this world as unfair and confusing. Being the victim of damage changed my perspective on how I labeled people. Being nine years old supplied me with happiness and a peace of mind of my surroundings. I never expected to be damaged and cautious about every step I make throughout life. Now when I smile I know that its because I‘m happy but others see the story behind it. They see a person who has been broken in different sections and in different ways. But they still see me smiling and that karma didn’t keep me down.

In the middle of the school year, independent reading assignments were assigned to us all. I choose to write my review on the book Eclipse from the Twilight Saga written by Stephanie Meyer. The book is the third book in the series and because of that, it answers the questions that left readers in suspense. This is a book that I recommend to many.


Third book in the Twilight Saga

By the author Stephanie Meyer, creator of the Twilight Saga and also the best selling novel “The Host”.

Movie Release Date: June 30, 2010

DVD movie release date: December 2, 2010

Eclipse is the third best selling novel in the Twilight Saga.


“It keeps you hooked from the outset in the same direct and spellbinding way as the previous two books.” Says Catherine Roberts
Read more at Suite101: Eclipse - Twilight Saga: Plot & Overview of the Third Book by Stephanie Meyer


Main Characters

Isabella Swan- The main character who is in love with a vampire.

Edward Cullen- A main character who is in a vampire and apart of the Cullen Family.

Jacob Black- A main character who is a werewolf (shape shifter) and apart of the Quileute tribe.


  Eclipse is the third book in the Twilight Saga by Stephanie Meyer. Eclipse sees the couple Bella and Edward reunited from there separation in the last book New Moon. Bella has chosen to live the rest of her life eternally with her love Edward Cullen who is a vampire. Edward requests that they get married before any changing is done to Bella. However, Bella is sensitive on age and doesn’t want to get any older. But she is also sensitive on the marriage subject.

  The conflict in this book is that Victoria is in morning from her love James being killed by Edward (which occurred Twilight) because of Bella. She seeks vengeance against the Cullens but mostly to Bella. Victoria thinks it is fair to kill Edward’s mate rather than himself. She sees that she can defeat the Cullen Clan if she creates a newborn vampire army. The newborns are stronger than mature vampires and she creates 19 of them.

  Alice Cullen has a vision of the army is coming soon and realizes that it isn’t enough of the Cullens to protect themselves or the town. The Cullen Clan makes a truce with the Quileute werewolves giving them the advantage to protect Bella. The groups are natural enemies but they decide to work together to protect what they cherish.

  This book revolves on the many conflicts of Bella’s choice on immortality and her love for Edward and Jacob. She must choose whom she will be with. Jacob who began as a friend who stood by Bella in her time of need, grow deep feeling for her and fought for her love through the book. Before she can have peace in her life, she has to live through Victoria’s multiple attacks with the ones that love her, protecting her

 My Personal Opinion

 I could relate to one of the characters in this story. I relate to Isabella Swan. She sees the world in a different way than most. I can also relate to some of the Cullens and Quileute tribe. They protect they’re family and what is important in their life. I felt the same about providing security for the people that are most important to me.

 I love the Twilight Saga. My favorite books are Twilight and Eclipse. The strengths in the book are the love between the characters and how far they will go to protect each other. I wouldn’t change anything in this book because it is that interesting to me. I would recommend this book to plenty of people. If they read mystery, drama, fiction, or fantasy, they will like these books.

The third quarter of English, we focused on reading varies of literature. A major book that we read was The Odyssey by Homer. After analyzing the book the class was assigned multiple assignments. One major assignment was our third quarter benchmark, and another was the myth project. For the benchmark, we had to create a comparison essay between a character from The Odyssey and another from a different piece of literature of our choice. I choose to compare the character Penelope from The Odyssey with Bella Swan from the Twilight Saga. In the essay, the thesis-Although Penelope & Bella are left behind, Penelope is stronger and uses her intelligence to survive- is supported.

Jordan Hairston

Penelope & Bella Comparison Essay

3rd Quarter

March 11, 2011

Two important female characters in literature are Penelope and Bella Swan.  Penelope is the wife of the King of Ithaca, Odysseus. He leaves home for years leaving Penelope behind with multiple problems. Bella is the main character from the Twilight Saga. She is in love with the vampire Edward Cullen who leaves her side in the second book New Moon.  Being separated affects people differently as it affected Penelope and Bella in different ways. They fall silent at times when they’re alone, they scream and cry. They’re adjusting to the separation at different paces. Penelope is wiser and clever as she faces the obstacles that come her way for twenty years. Bella on the other hand is dependent and reckless as she tries to get over the Cullens’ departure. So although both Penelope and Bella are left behind, Penelope is stronger and uses her intelligence to survive.

 Both Penelope and Bella are weak when their loves leave them. Odysseus the King of Ithaca, had reason enough to depart from home. He had to serve in the Trojan War not knowing exactly when he would return. However Penelope was left home to take care of their son Telemachus and face a house filled of suitors. It’s hard for Penelope to deal with the suitors who want to replace Odysseus. But Penelope still believes that Odysseus will return even though it’s been a really long separation.  In Book One, Penelope retires to her room after the Bard sings and Homer writes, “…She fell to weeping for Odysseus, her beloved husband, till watchful Athena sealed her eyes with sleep” (Book 1, lines 417-418). This shows that Penelope is stressed and holding out for Odysseus to come home and solve this situation. Penelope is easily reminded of Odysseus by the Bard’s singing in the same way that Bella saw Edward everywhere she turned.

 When Edward left Bella, he promised her that she would never see him again. However he asked her not to be reckless and to stay out of trouble. Bella reacted very strongly to the departure. She had nightmares, cried a lot and was always easily reminded of the family she once almost belonged to. Bella ran to her room and found her pictures of Edward gone. She realized that she really would never see him ever again. In sadness, she falls to the ground and narrates, “The waves of pain that had only lapped at me before now reared high up and washed over my head, pulling me under. I did not resurface.” (Chapter 3, page 84) This shows that Bella had a strong hold on Edward and his family. She was pulled into a state of depression for four months.

 Eventually Bella came out of her depression, and began to depend on distractions to help her through the pain. She’s not as independent as she was before. When she’s alone, she spends the time remembering things that went wrong. In contrast, Penelope is clever and manipulative. Penelope starts a web that she knows she will never complete. Doing this tricks the suitors and stalls her answering to the multiple proposals.  She says to them“ Young men, my suitors, now that King Odysseus is no more, go slowly, keen as you are to marry me, until I can finish off this web.” (Book 2, lines 104-107). She weaves her web by day but at night she unravels it to buy herself time. This shows her ability to trick the men for a while. However, her idea is only good for a couple of years because one of her maids tells Antinous that this was happening. In anger, he yells, “For three years now, getting on to four, she’s played it fast and loose with all our hearts building each man’s hopes dangling promises, dropping hints to each but all the while with something else in mind. This is her latest masterpiece of guile: she set up a great loom in the royal halls and she began to weave, and the weaving fine-spun, the yarns endless, and she would lead us on,” (Book 2, lines 96-104).  Antinous does this after Telemuchus cries in outrage that the suitors have ruined his house. Antinous blames Penelope for all that is wrong in the home.  She’s not weak for her trick has been revealed; she’s stronger because she knows it she’ll always be with Odysseus.

 Penelope was waiting patiently at home for Odysseus. For twenty years, she still believed that Odysseus was coming back. She was reminded of Odysseus constantly, through songs that were sung and by the way he was being discussed. Bella found that see could remember Edward when she was doing dangerous things. She was reaching out to Edward in her memories. Doing dangerous things and having adrenaline rushes caused her hallucinations. “ So the hallucinations must be triggered by something else… I felt the adrenaline coursing through my veins again, and I though I had the answer. Some combination of adrenaline and danger, or maybe just stupidity.” (Chapter 8, page 185) Bella figure out how to trigger the velvet honey-sweet voice that belonged to Edward. Doing extreme sports brought back the voices and faces he would make when her safety was at risk. That was her secret way of being with Edward.

 Penelope has a better survival method than Bella does after the departure. Even though they both get sad at times, she’s still able to function alone. She almost knows that her husband will return because his goodbye was not forever like Edward’s was. Penelope uses her intellectual skills to know how to cope. However Bella depends on the memories to get her by. She chose to be reckless and this shows that she is not nor ever will be over Edward. Separation affects the ones left behind differently. Some find their way back wisely, while some still wait and wonder.

Creative Project

The myth project was an assignment that allowed each person from the class choose a myth from The Odyssey. I choose the Muses to focus on. More than that, I focused particularly on the fifth Muse Terpsichore. Terpsichore is the goddess of choral songs and dance. I presented this project in a paper and also on a poster board. The project tells her myth and gives more background information for better understanding.


 Terpsichore is the goddess of choral song and dancing. She is represented by a plectrum and lyre.  Terpsichore was taught to sing by the god of music Apollo. Its said that her songs rang so pure and fine that birds fell silent to listen. Those who have honored her in dances are dearest to her. Terpsichore is the mother of the Seirenes, the half-bird, half-women fathered by Apollo.

 Terpsichore is one of the nine Muses. The Muses are goddesses of music- song and dance. The Muses are the daughters of Mnemosyne and Zeus. Mnemosyne is the goddess of memory and remembrance. The Muses were assigned to inspire poets, artistic and the sciences. The Muses were created because Zeus laid with Mnemosyne for nine nights. He did that because he needed someone to sing of his glory. His glory was establishing himself as supreme Olympian. The Muses sung mostly for the gods. They also sung at the funeral of the fallen Trojan hero and the weddings of Peleus, and of Cadmus & Harmonia. Multiple sacrifices offered to the Muses in return for their sensational inspirations. Libations of water or milk, and of honey.

 Hesiod the ancient writer said of the Muses, “They are all of one mind, their hearts are set upon song and their spirit is free from care. He is happy whom the Muses love. For though a man has sorrow and grief in his soul, yet  when the servant of the Muses sings, at once he forgets his dark thoughts and remembers not his troubles. Such is the holy gift of the Muses to men."


I think the myth of Terpsichore and the Muses still exist because they have peace in there art of inspiration. Ancient people might have enjoyed the myth, music and poetry because there art guaranteed happiness. The Muses are listed below and there qualities.


Calliope was the Muse of epic poetry

Clio was the Muse of history

Euterpe was the Muse of lyric poetry

Melpomene was the Muse of tragedy

Terpsichore was the Muse of choral songs and the dance

Erato was the Muse of love poetry

Polyhymnia was the Muse of sacred poetry

Urania was the Muse of astronomy

Thalia was the Muse of comedy

 All of the Muses are important to me and not only Terpsichore. They have inspired the art and music and that offers me a lot. The Muses are wise, beautiful, talented and sensational.


The following journals are my reflection to the questions and topics that came up in class throughout the entire school year.

1) What are some expectations that are put on you as a person?

Most of the time, a lot of pressure is put on me. Most of the time I can handle it. Some expectations that are put upon me are success, and being depended on. My personal opinion on the pressure and expectations is that it should be thrown away a little at a time. My family is successful in their careers and overall life. For me, that success feels promised to me when its not fully guaranteed.  My expectations of myself are success and doing the right things in the right ways. I also expect myself to know certain things and to act certain ways to maintain the most important expectations. One of my most self-expectations is to never get hurt or lose. I know that even if I don’t perform to at 100%, that it’s coming later. Sometimes it just takes patience to see it.


2) How does your environment shape who you become?

My environment meaning my surroundings and the people I am around. These things affect me by easily influencing me. If the people I am around are a bad influence then sooner or later I will pick up bad habits from them. Bad habits like cursing or slacking around and not worrying about what may come next. Eventually I will loose those habits by picking up better habits from better environments. If I am in an organized, clean and safe place then my world will adjust to that. A working environment has the best affect than them all. That way I am easily influenced to be hard working, happy and at peace. I was shaped mostly by a hard working and dreaming environment yet I was easily influenced by opportunity abused habits.

After reviewing my ninth grade English portfolio, I see that I have improved in many ways. Working hard in many areas of work used to be a dread to me, something that I struggled with, but now I see that once I have a topic that is enjoyable to me, I can easily get things done. Working in this class this year has made that possible. With a little more focus, I know that I will enter tenth grade prepared with a smile on my face and inspiration on my mind. 

Me Mag for Portfolio