"Gaydar Alert"

GAYDAR ALERT! Many people in this world are quick to turn their heads to a person that is homosexual. Do they even know the person beyond their sexuality? Do they understand how they feel?Will they take the time to even listen to just one? Well, I did and I hope some of you will too, and take the journey of a person being hit with "Gaydar".

Bryanna Jones Interview

      My interview was a project I probably will admire forever. Not only did I get to understand my friend and her feelings better.But, I actually now understand how a person feels in society because of their sexuality. I have gained so much just from my friends perspective. My friend Bryanna allowed me to understand the emotional, religion, and family boundaries that were crossed, due to her sexuality. Now, some people will say they heard of the story about a gay person in society. Although, they may never get the chance to actually understand them emotionally or mentally. 

      That’s only because of a mental system set in people’s heads that tell them to retreat from people who like their own sex. The society has placed a radar that tells them that homosexuals are sinners,evil, or devils that “shouldn’t walk the earth”, but this interview told me that that same signal won’t tell me why the CAUSE of this has happened. Although, it will tell me how it EFFECTS what has happened.
