Position Paper Let Us Vote

Position Paper - Winston Wright.

    One problem in American society today is that the opinion of young minds are truly undervalued. Interestingly enough it is experiences as young children that help mold mature adults, making decisions that will affect the rest of their lives as adults. In the United States Constitution, the 26th amendment states that persons of eighteen (18) years of age or higher are pretty much allowed to vote. Now the age eighteen in the U.S is the age that citizens are branded “Adult.” Being dependent upon themselves and no one else. Many politicians across the country put on a “front” like education comes first. The motto is that we (as in adults in the United States) need to help the future generation figure out a way to effectively lead themselves. “By educating young people, they will be able to make the same successful choices that past Americans have made, resulting in a continuous Utopia!” Still when presented with some of the liberty that few have, young people do not vote compared to other demographic groups in the U.S. The voting age should be changed. If we are the future, Let Us Vote! It is a generalization that most young adults/teenagers are lazy, or unfocused. Despite the fact that this is true in many cases there is a percentage of young people in this country who want change for their own future. Now today there are many programs/associations that promote youth leadership, and assist young people in helping the world. In only makes sense, to give the responsibility to those who are working so hard towards the future. Sixteen (16) is the perfect age to begin to vote. Young adults are usually in the 10th/11th grade during this time in their lives, and are just discovering their own intellectual interest. By the time they become eighteen they have applied to college, obtained the right to drive, other things that come along with being an adult. Most 16 years old are prepared to take on the world, prepping themselves to become adults, functioning members of society. Negative imagery can commonly be associated with young adults in the United States from drugs, violence and other types of reckless behavior. It is only in making becoming more older more appealing will the actions start to change. The only thing 16 year olds have forward to look to in most part of this country is their permit. This must change. When granted the privilege to vote, young people will have a better understanding of how and what is going on in the country. In addition to this, it would only make sense to grant the privilege of voting among young people. So many transitions are happening in their lives, as most are finishing some type of academic career. In the U.S there are many problems with education, and certainly putting the young people in the battle will help form solutions. It is a challenge to say that every single citizen of the union, should be granted the right to vote, but limiting the parameters of the freedom to vote to a certain demographic, defies the purpose of America. This is a place of progression, change, and liberty, therefore it’s future shall be endowed/dependent upon the children it births. The experience of life in America is a significant one, and all participants should be have a say in how they live their life. Lowering the voting age to sixteen (16) will give more responsibility to young people of the country. One of the biggest benefits from lowering the voting age will not only be a wider audience to appeal to, but it will encourage more of the older voters in the demographic to vote. Political, Economical, and Social consciousness can be built from the change of this amendment. A positive uprising will be the most beneficial result from change. It is because the youth are looked down upon in regards to responsibility that they act out. Compared to other nations of the world, the United States has system of the older a citizen gets, the more valuable they are to society. Everyone has a thought of value, and everyone posses the ability to contribute in a positive way. These natural rights should never be taken away no matter age, ethnicity, or sexual orientation.

Works Cited 

Baker, Marge. "On Capitol: Student Voting Rights." youngpeoplefor. Blogger, 9/28/09. Web. 4 Nov. 2011. . "Disenfranchising Young People." feministsforchioce. 3/18/11. Web. 4 Nov. 2011. .
