Revolving Door - Dre, Annisa and Vinny


Comments (3)

Marley Utzig (Student 2013)
Marley Utzig

It is hard to see the picture but I like how visual it is. You have the one person on this circle thing which I can totally not remember what it is called while all types of people are gathered around there are children and it looks like a doctor all looking to see this person just spinning around and not stopping.

Terrance Oliveri-Wiliams (Student 2013)
Terrance Oliveri-Wiliams

I really like this cartoon because it's really easy to tell that this is the revolving door theory. I think, the park object really sells it, but if it had been a swing or a slide, but everything else was the same, I would be able to still tell it was the Revolving Door theory because the person playing is the only that looks like he's having fun. You did an excellent job at drawing the impressions on the different people. Overall, a better picture of the cartoon would have been appreciated, but I think it was still very successful.

Longnu Nhan (Student 2013)
Longnu Nhan

I like how you guys have the guy in the circle thing smiling because it indicates that he is in the job for life and he's making a lot of money. And in the picture, you have a crew of business people and then you have a crew that is just normal people. I feel like that represents the work industry. And they don't look to happy. The only one that is happy is the guy in the circle thing.