Are they really that Important ?

For my ¨You and the World¨ project, I decided to research the abuse of drugs. Drug abuse is when a person use more of a drug than they are suppose to. Drug abuse interested me because drugs have encounter in my life in many ways. For instance, Some people that I personally know are addicted to drugs and don’t know that they are. In addition, I am interested in this topic because drugs are frequently used in and outside of school. Drugs that are prescribed from the doctors is not abuse; It becomes abuse when people continue to use the drug after the amount or days prescribed are over. A person is usually addicted when they continue to use the drug for the pleasure that they receive while taking that certain drug. Risk for addiction is influenced by a combination of factors that include individual biology, social environment, and age or stage of development.

"HarmCausedByDrugsTable" by User:Tesseract2 - "Scoring drugs", The Economist, data from "Drug harms in the UK: a multi-criteria decision analysis", by David Nutt, Leslie King and Lawrence Phillips, on behalf of the Independent Scientific Committee on Drugs. The Lancet. 2010 Nov 6;376(9752):1558-65. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(10)61462-6 PMID:21036393. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons -

In this picture it shows a list of severe drugs. The picture depicts how many people each drugs harms. It also shows how many people around that person is harmed even though they do not use the drug.

Drug abuse is a problem that occurs all around the world. Most people who use drugs are influenced by their environment. Although a numerous amount of people use drugs, Not many know the effect it had on your brain. It is important for you to know about drugs because they can cause lifelong problems or even death. You probably know that the United states is in debt, but did you know that drugs are a big reason why we are this predicament? The United States spend about $193 billion on illicit drugs, $193 billion on tobacco, and $235 billion on alcohol yearly. It is significant to inform you about drugs because you as a reader probably didn’t know the effects drugs have one people and the country itself.   

Before doing this project and research, I already knew an iota amount of knowledge on drugs such as if a person is addicted to a drug and they really want to stop, it will be a hard process because of your brain not the person. From the research so far, I have learned some new types of drugs. In addition, I also learned how drugs disrupts your communication system inside your brain. Learning all these negative things about drugs made me think of other things. As I continue to this project, I would like to discover if there are any ways that these horrible drugs help a person in a positive way. I hope to learn that there are other people out in the world trying to find ways to lower the drug abuse rate. Also, I hope to learn that the government or police are trying to eliminate any illegal drugs from any users.

In conclusion, My ¨ You and The World “project is on the abuse of drugs and how it affects people. For my outside portion of the project I will be doing a survey and a visit to a rehabilitation center.

Annotated Bibliography

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