Q3 Artist's Statement

When I draw I usually just stick to using pencils, so the advanced coloring was really different than the work that I usually produced but I had fun making it. I really like how the Three Musicians one looks because I tried to stick to all greens and blues and some yellows when I was coloring. I was initially going to try to replicate the true colors of Starry Night but decided to do a completely different color scheme instead. When I colored the mushroom picture I tried to do all unique combinations of colors for each mushroom to see which ones looked the best. 
For my self portrait I decided to play with the positioning of my face because I normally would have gone about drawing myself from a head on point of view or a side profile. I also used a little bit of color to fill in parts of the drawing. 
For the value and animal shapes assignments I did some shading of the ball and of the squirrel's tail. For the basic shapes drawing I simply just tried to replicate the shapes that made the tea pot as good as possible.
