Reconstruction Era Visuals Project

      Before I get into my concept map, I have to say that I feel pretty proud of my work. I really enjoyed how I got to put all of my creativity and imagination into this great work of art. I hope you enjoy this masterpiece as much as I do. As you examine my concept map, you will see that on the paths there are large words written on them. These words are basically summarizing what it was like for most black people to have to go through these tough challenges during the reconstruction period. The next thing you will see on my map that might be confusing is the thirteenth amendment being the start of my map. The thirteenth amendment is the start of my map because this amendment abolished slavery and involuntary servitude, except as punishment for a crime. Another thing on my map that might not be entirely clear to some people is the word freedom with quotation marks around it. I have added quotation marks around the word freedom because even after all the challenges that they endured, they still weren't truly free. The thirteenth amendment might have started the path to freedom for all free blacks, but not every white person agreed with this idea. For this is the reason why free black people were not truly free. My map matters because it gives it's viewers a quick run down of the three huge challenges that African Americans faced during the reconstruction period. Without hearing long lechures and reading long articles. My map has meaning for the study of the Reconstruction era because the three challenges on my map played huge roles during the time of reconstruction. 
