Savage over Safety

People can always depend on others to help out, right? Not all the time. Some people just jump to conclusions without thinking,  just turn on you, or they don’t believe you. Sometimes jumping to conclusions or hurting people for no reason isn’t a way to solve problems, but people some people don’t think about the situation at all. When they notice things  are not right, they don’t stop and think for a minute. Some people think that the only way to get rid of a problem is to take out the problem at its source or to ignore someone if they need help.

           In Chapter 9 of Lord of the flies Simon finds a dead person with a parachute and the others believed it was the beast, so he went back to tell the others that what they saw wasn’t the beast. In the stage Ralph and the others were in they thought Simon was the beast so they violently attacked him, Simon was trying to tell them what he found and who he is, but they already killed Simon before he had a chance to say anything.

      The reason why they thought Simon as the beast is that Ralph and the others were in savage mode and when they saw a shadowy figure in the woods, they thought it was the beast, so they attacked what they so called the beast, they attacked without hesitation. They tore and bit of pieces of flesh off of Simon and when Ralph and the others thought they killed the beast, they realized that it was Simon who was dead after the fact. The reason why the boys came up with this conclusion was the fire they made, made Simon’s shadow a beastly figure and they weird noises such as like screaming and growling. After they brutally killed Simon they were upset, so they put Simon’s body on a piece of wood and let drift to sea. The quote I found from Lord of the Flies was “ Only the beast lay still a few yards from the sea. Even in the rain they could see how small the beast was” Pg. (153).

     The reason why the thesis related to this situation is because Ralph and the others jumped to conclusions when they saw a shadowy figure of what they believed was the so called beast. They didn’t for a moment to make sure that everyone in the group was with them before they attacked. The way the fire made the shadow look made Simon look like the beast so they assumed it was the beast by the way it looked. So they attacked the so called beast, they did not

think for a moment where Simon was.

        A scenario I found that relates to this situation was that one morning a black teenager was jaywalking across the street towards a bus station when a cop saw him jaywalking across the street, so the cop stop him and he was aggressive about it. The cop pushed, shoved and pulled him onto to plants, so the teen said he was sorry, but the cop thought the teen was retaliating back so he called some other cops to help him. When they got there, they dragged and pushed him on to the ground and started to assault him and the teen cried out and said and I quote “ Get off of me” , but they stilled continued what they were doing.

      A second example from the Lord of the Flies was when Ralph and the others did not tell Piggy there was a boulder heading his way. This is how it happened. Ralph and Jack were arguing about who was a dirtier thief, then it turned into a confrontation between each others and the twins playing around as usual. When Ralph and Jack were fighting they hit the wall and made the boulder fall, so Ralph, Jack, and the others jumped out of the way the boulder, they didn’t tell Piggy to get out of the way. Because of Ralph and Jack, Piggy got hit by the boulder, fell forty feet on the red rock, when Piggy landed, his head snapped open and blood started to pour out of his head and mouth. His legs started twitching and he fell towards the ground and the waves dragged Piggy’s body into sea until his sinked in the sea. The reason why this thesis relates to the situation is because nowadays people do not help other people anymore. If someone was being raped or brutally being stabbed to death, they just stand there and take videos of the situation and failing to call the police.

      A second scenario I found that relates to this situation is when a woman was being raped and brutally assaulted. Twenty people that were watching the incident were recording the entire issue and some people were even laughing at situation and none of them had the a good soul to call the police and report the problems that is going on right there and now. The people who reported it said that they saw people walk by the issue like it was nothing and they failed to report to the authorities.

These examples of real life situations that are in the book as well, are cruel people that are mean, thoughtless, and didn’t care about other people’s well being. People just jump to conclusions or don’t people as much as they use to do anymore. They are just heartless, cruel, thoughtless people in the world and I am not one of those people. I don’t jump to conclusions in all situations and I always help a friend or anyone the has a problem that they are dealing with in their lives. When they just jump to conclusions, they go over the top with their answers. Also, when people ignore other people’s pleads for help they are just hurting the victim more by not helping them. I say “Let’s talk and help it out, not fight it out or ignore it”.

Comments (1)

Jonathan Saldivar (Student 2018)
Jonathan Saldivar

I disagree with the comparison because in certain situations people don't jump to conclusions, they process/think of what will happen before they engage. Even so people tend to make their decision before thinking things through. You're saying people won't help, however there are people who are willing to help, think about the people who spend their time to help the homeless, pollution, etc. A sentence I thought was well written "is when a woman was being raped and brutally assaulted. Twenty people that were watching the incident were recording the entire issue and some people were even laughing at situation and none of them had the a good soul to call the police and report the problems that is going on right there and now" I think it was well written because it states how some people in world confront situations, yes it is true people record these situations, especially a fight.