The African Perspective

    The Ibo is a small group/community in Africa. The two places where this culture mainly coincides in Umuofia and Mbanta. Many of the people here stick together through many situations, good or bad. They are very strict and serious about this culture. For instance, there was a man named Okonkwo. There was a little town meeting in the air, where he shot into the air and the most unfortunate event occurred, a young boy was killed. Now of course he did not kill the child on purpose, but he got the chi mad. The chi is the god of the Ibo culture. And since he was banned for the seven years, he was considered an efulefu, which in other words is a worthless man.

         Secondly, the relationships of all of the people in the Ibo tribe in Umuofia and Mbanta are very strong. Again, that can go back to the event of when the little boy was called, but here it is described into further detail. Many of the men were know as the hunters/protectors. They were the ones that would go out on a daily basis and receive supplies for the families to stay supported and get through the days. The men were known to not be afraid of blood, and had to be tough. The women of the other hand were completely different. The women could be placed under the soft and innocent categories. They were known for staying home and keeping everything together for the family. Also the women would segregate themselves into their own little groups and socialize, then at night tell metaphorical stories about animals.

Lessons Learned Through Life Scenarios

In life and society in the past, present, and possibly the future racism, inequality and, segregation have been some of the main standing grounds of life. In my life I was born in a typical South Philadelphia neighborhood where 99% of my neighbors and everyone else spoke American English. But as time went on a culture diffusion has progressed, my life as it is have been filled with minorities. And this took much time getting accustomed to. I knew that there was no negating this movement, and it is something that cannot be undone.

Therefore, not only in my life have I felt that a part of my past has been replaced with something new. In my English class I read a passage called, “Hunger for Memory” from a book called, “Aria” by Richard Rodriguez. In this story, there a man who moves from his homeland into a completely different society. From his homeland everyone spoke Spanish, but to where he moved to, everyone spoke English. 

Now that the person and I in this story seem to be floating on the same boat, our problems are similar but no exactly the same. In his story, he has the problem of moving to a new area and not being accustomed to the people speaking English all around him. With my situation I accustomed to everyone speaking English around me until people started coming in speaking a completely different language.

Next, it seems like my situation and the person in the books situation seem to tie in together in a very unique way. My problem is too many outsiders coming in and changing my society. Well those people coming seem like one of the many people that are in the same situation as the person in “Hunger for Memory.” So as the people that are like the person that was in the story start to move into a English speaking society, people like me who are already here are not used to these adjustments.

Here is an example of how my family and I used to talk before we felt like society has changed,

“It all began in summer of 2006, my family and I decided to take a vacation to Wildwood, NJ for a week. In the past I was remembered as the jumpy, nonstop, overexcited child. No matter what I couldn’t sit still, and with the information that we are going to the beach, I was running around like a headless chicken. As we arrive in front of our shore house I open the door, run up the steps and wait at the door. Unfortunately I had to help my parents unload the trunk. So as we are done unloading the trunk I run around the house to call dibs on what room my mother and I are staying in. After about 30 seconds of running around we chose the room with the futon and the deck. When my mother and I are done unpacking my family and us two took a walk to the beach. When we get there I rip off the shirt like the hulk and sprint to the water. It felt so good I was running around in circles jumping in the water. From the distance I hear my family yelling at me to back up and not go to deep.

My grandfather yells, ‘Yo wippersnapper, get your ass back here before I beat it!’

When he said that I knew he meant business. I turn around without any other thoughts. When I come up to them he tells me, “Daniel you need to calm down and don’t go too deep. You forgot to put on sun block and you were too far away too fast. The rest of the day I tried to stay my calmest and not give my parents any difficulties. Being a child was a very exhilarating time of my life.” In this example from my childhood, my grandfather said, “Whippersnapper.” That word is something that was said commonly by my grandfather when I was little to emphasize my rowdiness. But as time progressed and society began to change, slowly stopped saying that word. He could have stopped saying it because I was growing up, and I would have found it to be a joke, but I feel like that if said that word today then people would look at him like he was insane.

To close I feel like a piece of my past has been taken away due to the large population of different ethnic groups coming into my life, but it something that cannot be changed and there is no going back. It is something that has to be lived with and something that will take some adjusting too. Maybe I am just under some sort of cultural shock and eventually while I have them around me long enough, I can see my life as, “back to normal.”

History Journal 34

Progress is when something happens to move something forward. This something could be an idea, or the creation of something, or a popular movement.

  I think that the Industrial Revolution was a time of progress in the economic and technological sense. We made great machines using steam and coal that improved and sped up almost every process of people’s lives. It was also a time of recession in the human rights sense, as people were seen as tools, and there were no longer “master craftsmen”, but simply laborers.

History Journal #41

​How do gender roles in Ibo culture compare to gender roles in our culture?

The overlapping gender roles in our cultures are few and far apart.  Nowadays, working moms and stay at home dads are common, and not looked down upon.  The only ways that Ibo gender roles have influenced ours is in small ways, like how the majority of police officers are men.

History Journal #34

Define Progress

Progress is the process of something growing in a positive manner.  When a country has made progress, something has changed.  Maybe their scientists have made a huge breakthrough, or maybe they have gotten closer to solving the problems caused by poverty.  Whatever form it is in, progress is always a welcome aspect of life.

English Journal #41

Write a letter to someone that is something you would never really send.

Dear Don Cherry,

First of all, you are amazing and have great taste in suits.  Having gotten that out of the way, I want you to know how much I appreciate your brutally honest analysis of hockey games.  I love when you talk about a fight, and give that insight into how the fighters are thinking.   How they are fighting because the fans love it and because how it is fun instead of some personal vendetta.  You truly understand the violent side of hockey.


History Journal 25

A revolution is a massive movement for change by a group of people. Revolutions can change governments, like in the French revolution, and the Cuban revolution; as well as in Egypt, Libya, and Tunisia. There are also spiritual revolutions. I don’t think that electing Barack Obama was a revolution because it wasn’t a movement that caused great change.

History Journal 19

Social change can be fast sometimes, like in the case of Egypt, Libya, and the rest of the Arab Spring; when they overthrew their dictators. This was fast because they know what they wanted to change into, because they could see examples of it outside their own country. They were also oppressed and unhappy, so they made the change, which was fast. Slow change of society, like the renaissance, was slow because there was nothing they could see that they saw was more advanced that they wanted to become. Because of this the change was not pushed in any direction in particular, it simply happened on its own, which is much slower.

English Journal #49

Why do people create art?

People create art because....
  • they are expressing themselves
  • for freedom
  • passing messages
  • to remember events
  • for deaths
  • to honor people
  • advertisement
  • emotion
  • to be known
  • personal and world issue
  • tell stories and teach
  • to grow
When is art powerful?
I think art if always powerful, it just depends on the person that is viewing the art. Their feelings of the art and how they react to it. Art is powerful when everybody has a different interpretation of it, when it makes me people think deeply about the meaning. 

La case de Katie por Brycen

Photo on 5-30-12 at 12.40 PM
Photo on 5-30-12 at 12.40 PM
Su nombre es Katie. Ella tiene 25 años. Ella es un estudiante y también. Ella tiene un novio. Ella le gusta salir con sus amigos, ir a cine, cocinar, nadar, hacer ejercicio, y ella es un modelo. Los dos deportes favoritos de ella son softbol y porristas. Tiene un gato y dos perros pero ella no le gusta gatos. Ella es muy divertida, más o menos salvaje, bastante inteligente y siempre segura. Tiene un Lamborghini y un bicicleta. Ella encanta ir de compras los fines de semana. Ella planes para el futuro, es tener tres niños.

Ella casa será en las afueras cerca de la playa. Está lejos de el desierto, porque ella realmente odia el desierto.
Es en Miami, porque la playas es largo, así que tiene espacio para para sus futuros niños. Ella case es moderna, de tres pisos, grandiosa, elegante y extravagante y colores vibrantes, proque ella súper rico y tiene muy buen gusto. Hay tres baños y cuatro dormitorios, porque Katie planea tener tres niños. Su cosas especiales, es una pasarela proque ella le encanta el modelo. Su garaje y jardín será largo y muy fantasía.
La parte frontal de la casa. Esto es sólo una imagen de cómo se verá, será cerca de una playa.

Thesis Paper – The Lifestyle of Violence

The Lifestyle of Violence

When Violence is brought into conversation, it’s commonly categorized as a mindset that is most abundant when there is deprivation and a lack of outer resources to aid it. Many people abuse this mindset, meaning they think that it’s the only answer to most situations. From my perspective, I see the more violent people, being the people that come from the more violent backgrounds. These backgrounds don’t necessarily have to revolve around their family, but it can also be from the government, cultural deprivation and/or, religion... the list goes on and on.

First, here is a miniscule area where violence is a problem almost every day, Philadelphia. It seems like that almost every day someone is getting shot. There were 148 days into the year as of
May 28th, 2012. Parallel to that, according to Philadelphia Police Department, there was a substantial 140 homicide victims as of May 28th, 2012 in the city of Philadelphia. In the year of 2011, there were 324 homicide victims, that’s almost equivalent to a person being killed every other day ("Southeastern philadelphia transportation authority"). Then in 2007, there was an outstanding number of 391 homicide victims ("Southeastern philadelphia transportation authority"). Why are there so many people being killed?  From my standpoint, it doesn’t look these acts of violence are ever going to end.

Secondly, there is a bit larger area where Violence is a nuisance to life, right in the Keystone state, Pennsylvania. Just because many historical things happen here such as the Penn Treaty with the Indians in the 1600’s doesn’t mean anything, that was almost 400 years ago. As of 2010, Pennsylvania contained a whopping population of 12,702,379 people. From that amount, 46,514 are from violence
("Disaster Center"). Yes that is less than 0.005% of the state, but someone has to take care of them, and the people that have to do that has to be paid. And who pays them? Oh thats right, the middle class. This has to be paid on top of many other things that the middle class has to pay for. Eventually this is a never-ending cycle. It’s a never-ending cycle because the middle class has to pay, they eventually run out of money, they do bad things, they go to jail, then they have to be taken cared of. That is how it’s a neverending cycle. From that total of people, 46,514 were arrested due to domestic violence. The question is, where are the majority of these crimes coming from? First is Harrisburg with a crime rate of 170,000 (As of 2009). Second is York with a crime rate of 125,000 (As of 2009). And third, believe it or not, is Philly with a crime rate of 120,000 (As of 2009). It is really crazy to fathom the idea on how many crimes occur is such a little bit of time.

Third and foremost, violence may be a large problem in the Philadelphia, and Pennsylvania, but both of those places exist in one place, the World. If violence takes place in two little fractions of the World, I can already assure myself that Violence occurs elsewhere. There is no need to pull numbers up because I lived long enough to see a lot of it. For instance on September 11th, 2001, the group called Al Qaeda crashed two planes into the World Trade Centers in New York, New York, and they crashed a third plane into Pentagon. Lucky the last plane was not crashed into any big cities due to the brave passengers. Anyway, back to the violence. Many violent things in life happen for many reasons that could easily be avoided but people choose not to. Then again there are many things in life that are violent that people would like to avoid the situations because of the their lack of power. Life would be so much better if the entire government was completely equal. Meaning that there should be no parties in the house, such as the democratic and republican. It’s about money, people say money is a person’s best friend, I say money is the devil, money is the ruination of our economy and relationships with other parts of the world. First you have the Republicans supporting the rich not having to pay taxes, while the poor do, and then you have someone like Barack Obama, a Democrat, wanting to help the economy but all of his ideas are shot down. And the more poor people are burdened with all of these taxes, they will lose money, and find new ways, legal and illegal to be able to have money in their pockets. No wonder why their symbol is an elephant, they’re fat for money.

To close up, I would like to talk about why all of these things are the way they are. I feel like I can really tie together the main reason why there is so much violence in Philadelphia and Pennsylvania, it’s because they take place in the USA. And what is the the USA currently? That’s right, a recession. This recession that is occurring is causing many financial problems, many of which people can’t avoid. Then when push comes to shove and the money becomes really tight, many things occur that can be harmful to society. Drugs are being dealt, stores are being robbed, people are being killed, and the list is neverending. So it’s things like this that cause much violence to occur all around the clock. Secondly, things can be explained and factual reasons can be added on why there is violence in the world, but one reason can be explained, just one reason, culture. Culture plays a big role in many places around the world, it can be as small as a family, or as large  as a country. Throughout the world there is much cultural diversity that breaks up many societies and causes problems that vary in different ways. An area of land will be covered with one culture, while the other area of that land is covered by another culture. Then at the point where they meet, there is controversy over whose is better and whose should get the majority of land.

To close, its very easy to see that a majority of these different forms of violence come from the constant need to be most powerful. This constant need can vary anywhere from politics, to finance, all the way down to family related problems. Although power is one thing that makes many things run, it is at the same time, the ruination of many things.

Viet's Journal Posts!

History Journal 37 

Everything the main character is shown glorified no matter what, you usually see only that one perspective

History Journal 45

"The perfect state is reach only when mind and body and speech are in proper coordination"

I don't think there is a perfect state. I think that no human can be perfect. Each human has a flaw and if they try to fix that they will cause another flaw to reveal itself.

English Journal 26

Race is a social construction

Race has no genetic basis

Skin Color is only skin deep


April 9-13

Abstraction Emotion - any size (not smaller then 8-11”)

Choose an emotion and create a painting/drawing/collage/photograph

         Abstract emotion is when you are making an art piece out of colors that are reflected on your mood. In my painting I used a lot of darks, and some really bright colors. I chose to do it that way because I just felt that having it look all dark would make me feel a little down, so to make myself happy I added some bright colors.

         Throughout this project I did have some mishabs but I learned to teach myself how to reinvent, and make it into something more natural. So at first I was planning on doing all white and black and so I got a big brush, and I got some water, but as I dipped my brush in the water then into the paint then onto my paper the color appeared gray, and watery. At that point I told myself what I had planned wasn’t going to work. So instead I just continued to undercoat everything in a damp gray. Then I started taking my colors, and this time I didn’t use water I dried my brush and started dabbing, and I continued doing that with every color, so that everything will begin to clash together.

         Overall I did enjoy this project even though the process was a little hectic, but at the end I realized I honestly did really liked my painting.

April 16-20

Abstraction Motion - any size (not smaller then 8-11”)

Choose an motion and create a painting/drawing/collage/photograph

         Abstract motion is when one looks at a drawing, and by looking at it, it sort of looks like a movement, or it can look as if its actually moving. In this project I looked up on the internet and found an orange picture that looked as if it was moving because of the different shades of orange, and I took the photo and I attempted to do the same thing.

         I knew that this project was going to be different than the last because we were dealing with different types of shading, and different textures of lights and darks. When first beginning the project I had to think to myself if I should add water or not because I figured if I add water I didn’t want it to start dripping and such like it did last time, or I said to myself just paint the paper dry, but I figured if I did that it wouldn’t of had that motion effect. So I decided that I was going to paint it dry first with a whole bunch of shades of orange, and then on top of the painting I will coat it with water, so that it would smear and look sort of like a moving light.

         As a result I liked this project. It honestly wasn’t one of my favorites, but it was enjoyable. I personally thought I did ok on this project it didn’t necessarily look the way I wanted it to but I believe it was worth the challenge. 

 April 23-27


Your choice of medium and size

For my medium size Abstract I did a type of design resulting in circles, and spirals. The colors I used for this project were all shades of green. I chose green because I just thought it was a really nice color, that I wanted to experiment with.

         I decided to get green paint and on the side I had a little bit of white. I put a little bit of green on my brush because I didn’t want the green to be too dark, then I began making swirls with my brush. I eventually began using the white so that it would have a lighter tone. I then used a little blue and I embedded it inside the green swirls, so that it would kind of have a nice green and blue mix. I then added some white outlines, and added some blues.

         I really enjoyed this project because I felt as though I was free to do whatever I want, and I thought I did fairly well on this project. At the end I was very happy with what I accomplished.  

April/May 30-4

Observation Drawing - Close up drawing

For my close up drawing I decided to do a portrait of Bambi and his mother. I really don’t know what made me think to do a picture of that but I just wanted to do something different and something that I was more accustomed to.

            I started my project with the mother because I figured if I get the posistion and just of the big figure it would be easier to put together the whole picture with all the little details. I first sketched the drawing as good as I can, and then I outlined it with a sarker shade. Once I did the mother I began to do the ears. For some reason the ears were the most difficult part. I think it was because in the picture it was so complex with the design I just gave up on perfection and made it look as good as I can. I then worked on the eye. I made sure it had the perfect distance between the head and the eye. I then began to work on bambi. The only hardship I had with drawing bambi was when I had to make him look like as if he was laying down. I believe making his body positioned on the ground as if he was sort laying against his mother was difficult.

            Overall I was very happy with my work. I thought I did as best as I could, and I think my hard work paid off, and I was very happy how my picture turned out.  

 Observation  drawing: Landscape

For my landscape drawing I decided to draw a park that I found off the internet. In this project, I only used pencil. I used pencil because I thought it would seem more natural if it came from an actual sketch, and then proceed with shading.

            I started with the bottom half of the picture because I figured if I get the shape of the pathway and the bushes it would create the general shape for the whole picture. So then I positioned the pathway as if it were going into a city type thing, as you can see in the picture I made everything narrow so it looks like an actual parkway, because if you were to look at a parkway it would start of big and then everything would sort of cave in. After I finished the bottom half of my paper I began adding things such as bushes and trees and city buildings.

             As a result I’m not necessarily proud of how it turned out but I think it’s a pretty ok picture. I thought this project was more difficult their others because drawing a landscape requires a lot of analyzing, and figuring out when and where to shade. Overall I’m content with the outcome of my project.   























Colony Collapse Disorder Blog #3

This is my final blog post. Through out this blogging, I learned more than ever on my subject and I'm trying to make a difference now. I don't see alot of effort to raise awareness so I actually went to home depot and decided on some ways you guys can start to plant flowers at home. Now in my past blog posts one and two I have been talking about how honey bees really do help us out because we depend on them and so does our food (cows, pigs, your next chicken fillet). So I felt like I should give back and so should you guys too. It's actually not that hard, you don't have to go to home depot (or lowes, I still love home depot) and buy a whole seed starter kit. If you have a left over egg carton then that's good too! See this is how you can help make a difference:

1) Go to HOME DEPOT (or lowes) and buy some seed starting soil. 

2) Go back to your house and grab the egg carton that you have been saving over.

3) You could either cut off the top our use popsicle sticks to stand it up and you can label the top. 

4) Once you cut off or label the top grab your soft seed starting soil. 

5) Use a spoon and fill up each cupped section with soil but don't over fill it. 

6) Grab your seed packet (what ever type of seeds you want). 

7) Look at the directions on the packet because it will tell you how much water to put and how much sunlight your seeds will need. 

8) When your seeds get bigger take pictures and email them to me

9) When they are big enough transfer them to a bigger pot and watch the fruit of your labor. 

In the beginning it should look like this 

Heres my bibliography  
Plant picture
Plant picture

Yadi A. Capstone


I began by writing one story about Cherokee myths involving the sun and moon. My main character had to deal with living those myths and being affected by the moon. I began to write, but an obstacle I encountered was that I didn’t connect with my characters at all. I did too much research on the story and the plot, before getting to know the characters. The lack of passion I felt for the characters affected me severely. Eventually, I had to change the story to something else. It was changed to another idea that I was much more comfortable with. I learned how to make a story more independent. Because I had chosen a story that was originally a sequel, I feared that I’d have trouble writing it on its own. But I learned that just with a few minor tweaks, a story’s plot could be changed considerably. After deleting references from the past story that I loved, I realized that it helped build the story and give me more advantage in the plot. I also learned my strengths and weaknesses as a writer. I now know that I should not push my creativity too far within deadlines because it might kill the joy of writing. But I also can’t take two years to write something. So I need to find the middle line between giving myself deadlines, and writing freely.

Artifacts are soon coming.

Julia Boyer's Benchmark

Click HERE for the benchmark

For this benchmark, I had to take pictures that show evidence of globalization in Philadelphia. Specifically, I went around the city and thought about things I saw everyday when I took the train, or walked to school. I took pictures of them, uploaded them to my wordpress and found interesting sites and graphics about these topics. I'd say the most challenging part of this project was connecting my image to a document or website that showed the topic of globalization. My favorite picture was of the woman waiting for a train because it is the most candid and honest of my pictures, the rest of them seem very posed.

I think that globalization in Philadelphia is similar to that of other large cities in the United States. Naturally, most immigrants and new technology come to the larger cities first creating region-specific impacts. Now that there is more social networking and media, I think that even big cities in other countries are affected by the same topics of globalization as those of the US. By doing this project, I have learned to appreciate the expanse of globalization and how it has affected even the small things in my life. Whether for the good or bad, globalization is all around us.

Letter of Advice

Dear Irene, 

Ok, so um, you need to get yourself together. You need to stop getting yourself between problems that have nothing to do with you and you need to get away from Clare! You’re doing nothing but putting oil to the fire.

To begin, I know that you and Clare are like best friends, die hard, positive and negative energy bonded magnets. But I am going to be completely honest with you, and give you reasons why you need to separate from her. I need you to listen clearly, it’s almost like I am reading your life, almost like a book!

First, you and I both know, Clare is passing. This is something that you cannot play around with, and this is something you need to avoid. She is acting like someone she isn’t and if people know that you knew that she is African American, there can be very bad consequences.  It’s almost like you have an ultimatum. It’s either you tell the community about Clare’s TRUE identity, or you leave it a secret, and hope for the best. But heed that there are consequences involved. 



The Oil of Fire

The Oil of Fire


Life is made in many different forms,

These different forms come from different makers.


You eat the food from the ground,

You drink the water from the seas,

You smell the scent of the flowers,

And you breathe the air of the earth.


The Presidents made the constitution,

The gods made the earth,

The chicken laid the egg,

And seed made the tree.


Everything has a source.

It’s the heart of the body,

Without it we would be dead

It’s the Sun of the Universe,

Without it we would be dead.

It’s the racism of our society,

Without it we would be alive.


It has brought nothing

Except hatred and war,

It is something undesirable,

Nothing we adore.


The main source of it,

Died many years ago,

Not possible to fix,

This situation left us in woe.


We can always attempt to make a change,

Getting a lot of people to agree, is very hard to arrange.

Most likely it is impossible to complete this task,

Everyone is two afraid to help, they will wear the fearful mask.


-Daniel Varnis

"What If?" History Benchmark

For my final history benchmark, we took a very interesting approach to history. This quarter, we were sopposed to pick a moment in history, and change it. After we changed that one moment, we were supposed to predict three things in history that would happen because of the change, and as a result, what would life be like today?

I decided to change the second day of The Battle of Gettysburg, when General Robert E. Lee doesn't allow General James Longstreet to attack the Union Army from behind. History according to Stephen Holts says that Lee allowed Longstreet to attack the Union line from behind, while the rest of the army attacks from the front. The Confederate Army wins the day, and because the battle was so bloody, President Abraham Lincoln decides to let the Confederacy live the way they want by completely separating them from the United States. From the Battle of Gettysburg came the establishment of the Confederate States of America. 

Years later, the two countries are anything but friendly neighbors. They wage war all throughout history, with the bloodiest battles being right after the Civil War over the land in the west. 

Coming closer the the 21st Century, the two countries are still fighting over the same thing their ancestors did. The CSA maintains a process of immigration that the USA views as modern day slavery, while the CSA defends it saying that immigrants work for their place in the country.

The CSA and USA fight over many different things, but they also come together in certain situations. 

All of this is displayed in a documentary about

Portfolio For Fashion

For my project i decided to do a portfolio on fashion. I would be taking photos of people with fashion.


For my project I basically made an online Portfolio On Fashion. I chose this project because fashion inspires me and I like half of the things people wear now. Sometime people wear the things they wear for their personal reasons and I would like to know why but at the same I don’t want to be all up in their business if its private. For me I would like for people to show the clothes they have in their closets/wardrobe to show whom they really are, now. The process of my project wasn’t that hard but at the same time it wasn’t easy. I had to do a lot of editing for my website, so it can look really good. I learned a lot from my project, I’ve learned that sometimes fashion describes a person’s personality really well.

Screen shot 2012-06-04 at 5.06.14 PM

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Screen shot 2012-06-04 at 5.09.18 PM

E1 U9

Una vila para la Tom Brady

Esta villa está en Boston. No es muy grande pero es moderna y práctica. Está cerca del  centro y del transporte público porque tiene carro. También está cerca de la playa porque le fascina hacer “biking.” Está lejos de la playa pero la casa tiene una piscina y  jacuzzi porque le encanta nadar

¡La casa tiene TODO!
•  Cinco habitaciones lindas con armarios grandes porque tiene mucha ropa
•  Quarto baños enormes con duchas de lujo
•  Una cocina súper moderna con una nevera y una estufa nueva
•  Una sala simple con una tele grande para ver los partidos de los Patorts
•  Un comedor hermoso ideal para cenas con sus amigos
•  Un garaje para muchas bicicletas
•  Una cancha de tenis en el jardín
•  El jardín tiene un montón de flores bonitas
•  Una piscina extremademente tranquila para sus fiestas de veran

Altomare Q4 BM Reflection

  • What did you find most challenging about this project?
    The most challenging thing was finding resources for what I was trying to show with my images. i knew what I took the images for but had difficulty presenting it. 
  • How did you go about collecting the images or selecting the images?
    I looked for images that told a story. I didn't just want images of convenience stores owned by foreigners. I wanted images that showed lifestyles of Americans with other cultures. I also wanted images that showed things that wouldn't be found in America without influence from other parts of the world. 
  • Which image is your favorite? Why? Elaborate.
    I think the picture of the volkswagon is my favorite because it shows globalization in another time period as well as presently. The van is so old.