What causes systemic and individual change?

​Systemic change is something that is inevitable. There are many details that pertain to systemic change, but they will change regardless. It takes an individual to set a trend to cause either positive or negative change. In this scenario, we focused on individuals who attempted to lead a systemic change. For example, during the time that Teddy Roosevelt was in office, he wanted to stop the overwhelming amount of monopolies. These monopolies were created by large companies and trusts. These companies used devilish ways to get money. They would force their buyers into purchasing something they did not want in order to get something they did want. In our visual presentation, we focused on Barack Obama and Theodore Roosevelt. They both wanted to create change in the economy and government. Theodore wanted to spread money around rather than companies hogging hard earned money from citizens. Barack Obama is trying to balance out the percentage comparison of high class to low class citizens. Initially, the gap between rich and poor in America is not only devastating but continually increasing. Obama is an individual wanting to create systemic change.

1. Explain your choice of presentation format.

Katherine and i chose to use a poster format for it is visually appealing as well as informative. we decided to leave a lot of words out and compare the repeating events of history through 2 quotes. One from our present day president, Barack Obama, as well as a quote from a more historic president, Theodore Roosevelt. Both of these individuals were in the process of creating systemic change involving the nation's economy. 

2. Two sentences about your answer to the essential question.

Systemic Change is a process that can be voiced through one individual, but the numbers behind the individual must be a majority. Systemic change is usually for the benefit for the majority's needs. 

3. What questions do you sill have about business in America?

The point of business is to do what you can to make the business successful, so why cant these companies use these methods of earning money?


EQ: Individuals Changing Systems

Systemic change is something that is inevitable. There are many details that pertain to systemic change, but they will change regardless. It takes an individual to set a trend to cause either positive or negative change. In this scenario, we focused on individuals who attempted to lead a systemic change. For example, during the time that Teddy Roosevelt was in office, he wanted to stop the overwhelming amount of monopolies. These monopolies were created by large companies and trusts. These companies used devilish ways to get money. They would force their buyers into purchasing something they did not want in order to get something they did want. In our visual presentation, we focused on Barack Obama and Theodore Roosevelt. They both wanted to create change in the economy and government. Theodore wanted to spread money around rather than companies hogging hard earned money from citizens. Barack Obama is trying to balance out the percentage comparison of high class to low class citizens. Initially, the gap between rich and poor in America is not only devastating but continually increasing. Obama is an individual wanting to create systemic change. 

​1. Explain your choice of presentation format.
Malik and I chose to do a poster because we felt that posters are visual and if this were to be posted, many people would be able to see the points that we were trying to make. We also liked the idea of making it with our hands instead of over the computer.

 2. Two sentences about your answer to the essential question.

Systemic change is when a whole system changes in a big way. Typically, these changes begin with one individual wanting to change a problem with a system. 

3. What questions do you sill have about business in America?
What systems could be developed to prevent monopolies and inflation of certain businesses. 

World of 100 Analysis

In this graphic, we are seeing how many people would have good or bad drinking water. What stands out is that in reality only 13 people would have improvised water instead of the 50 or so that myself and the class thought.

This graphic is about how many people would get secondary education. It seems that I did not give enough credit to the general people because my estimates were way off of those of the researchers. The class is seems was also off but not to the extent I was. Despite all the news about uneducated children in other counties The amount of people in the world with education is much larger with those without. In fact it is a kind of comforting notion.

This last graphic is about literacy by gender. In this one again both myself and the class were off in our estimates but the fact is that many people in the world do know how to read and we underestimated them. I think that truly we do not give enough credit to people in other countries, these numbers show that a significant percentage of the world can read.

Overall, between my answers and the correct ones I was not very close with my estimations. The ones I was closet on were religion, gender, and technology.  One catagory that surprised me was that the gender division would be 50/50. I didn't think the world was that even. I think the reason I was so off with my prediction is I don't think I have a complete understanding of the world and I need to understand other countries more. I think I have a very media skewed view, where most of my information comes from how other countries are perceived and not from actual fact. 

World of 100 Ananlysis

In this graphic, we are seeing how many people would have good or bad drinking water. What stands out is that in reality only 13 people would have improvised water instead of the 50 or so that myself and the class thought.

This graphic is about how many people would get secondary education. It seems that I did not give enough credit to the general people because my estimates were way off of those of the researchers. The class is seems was also off but not to the extent I was. Despite all the news about uneducated children in other counties The amount of people in the world with education is much larger with those without. In fact it is a kind of comforting notion.

This last graphic is about literacy by gender. In this one again both myself and the class were off in our estimates but the fact is that many people in the world do know how to read and we underestimated them. I think that truly we do not give enough credit to people in other countries, these numbers show that a significant percentage of the world can read.

Overall, between my answers and the correct ones I was not very close with my estimations. The ones I was closet on were religion, gender, and technology.  One catagory that surprised me was that the gender division would be 50/50. I didn't think the world was that even. I think the reason I was so off with my prediction is I don't think I have a complete understanding of the world and I need to understand other countries more. I think I have a very media skewed view, where most of my information comes from how other countries are perceived and not from actual fact. 

J.Pullins, What is Change?: The Butterfly Effect

Preview of “J.Pullins, ChangePresidentialPoster”
​The essential question I chose to base my piece off of was:

"What is the role of the individual in creating and sustaining change?"

​The inevitability of change is astounding. I believe that we each have our own roles in the environments, societies, and world around us, and that our every decision makes a both significant and small. I believe that the smallest decisions can lead to the greatest changes in our world.

The butterfly effect is the belief that the smallest events can lead to the greatest changes. I believe this correlates to the business unit, as well as the Presidents of the US and essential questions, because the role that each individual plays in society affects it in some way. We all create the norms and systems in which we abide by, and the influence that we hold is greater than we often realize.

The piece I've uploaded tries to represent this by displaying three U.S. presidents, and symbolized their effects on society with the path of the butterfly.

Business Unit Project

  • I chose this type of presentation because it looks the most attractive and meaningful, given the concepts utilized. It seems that when data is expressed to an audience, the fewer the amount of words used, the better. Thus, a single slide was ideal.
  • Individual change is when you set your mind to something. Systemic change is when a group of people set their minds to a universal idea.
  • What is "business" like in other countries?
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Screen Shot 2012-02-10 at 12.37.12 PM


 I chose to do is as a collage because I thought it would have been a better way for me to send the message or the idea I was trying to send. 

My project(collage) answers the questions of how individuals causes the system in changing of each individuals. 
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Screen Shot 2012-02-10 at 11.46.00 AM

¡¡La Fantastico Escheula!!

1. La SLA es muy loco y interesante. We have many clubs including math, poetry, engineering, etc. We have sports, a school store, and also literature & math club for extra help. The school has about 500 students and 25 teachers. It's located at... I think SLA is a very independent and open school that gets work done in a fun way while teaching both the teachers and students.

Photo on 12-14-11 at 2.38 PM #2
Photo on 12-14-11 at 2.38 PM #2
La chico y chica y mi at la Franklin Institute.
Photo on 10-31-11 at 12.53 PM #2
Photo on 10-31-11 at 12.53 PM #2
Es mi at escheula en historia on Halloween.
Photo on 10-11-11 at 9.17 AM
Photo on 10-11-11 at 9.17 AM
La chica Kennedy y mi en Bio chemica.
Clase: English
Profesor/a: Srta. Dunn
Actividades en la clase: Yo escribe poemos y books y stories y essays.
Materiales: La computadora, los plumas, las hojas de papel
Opinion: Es muy te gusta. Por qué sí. Es my muy muy importante y favorita.

Clase: Arté
Profesor/a: Srta. Hull
Actividades en la clase: Yo escribe pictures.
Materiales: La carpeta, las hojas de papel
Opinion: Es bastante te gusta. Por qué sí. Es muy diversión.
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Screen Shot 2012-02-08 at 9.24.43 PM