Election Day Assignment

Interview with Patricia Koons

1) What motivated you to come out and vote?

I came out to vote so i can't help reelect mayor Nutter, and as a women I feel like its my duty to vote because it took woman many years to gain the  privilege.

2)What would you like to see change in our political system?

If something could change, I think the senate system should change and that senate members are in office for a shorter amount of time. I would also like to see the democrat and republicans stop squabbling.

3)Do you vote in every election?


4)Do you know why we vote on tuesday?


5)Where have you encounters the highest amount of ad campaigning?

The Television

6)What was the most memorable campaign ad that you have encountered?

As of campaign ads none because they always turn me off of voting because they are always negative.

7)Are you always sure of who you are going to vote for wen you walk ion the booth or are you still deliberating?

Always sure

8)What changed do you hope to see in Philadelphia as a result of this election?

I would like to see more money to be put into the school system, a decrease in crime and property taxes to be maintained at the same level.

9)What impact do you feel that your vote will have on this election? Did you learn about voting in school?If yes, did that impact your willingness to vote today.

I think my vote will have a positive impact on reelecting the mayor, and that every vote counts. Yes I learned about voting in school at a young age and it positively affected me to go vote.

Voting Facility located on 12th and bigler streets in south Philadelphia.


Election Day Assignment

Interview with Joann
  1. What motivated you to come out and vote? I grew up learning that voting was the patriotic thing to do. If you didn't vote you weren't an American.

  2. What would you like to see changed in our political system?I would like to see some one help get our kids back on track because they need to be more involved in the world.

  3. Do you vote in every election? (How regularly do you vote?) I always vote.

  4. Do you know why we vote on Tuesday? No.

  5. Where have you encountered the highest amount of ad campaigning? Radio, TV, print, internet, other. On the streets.
  6. What was the most memorable campaign ad that you have encountered?I remember the one a few years ago where Florida couldn't make up their minds and vote.

  7. Are you always sure of who you are going to vote for when you walk into the booth or are you still deliberating? I'm sure.
  8. What changes do you hope to see in Philadelphia as a result of this election? Nothing will change the Democrats will still have the city. 
  9. What impact do you feel that your vote will have on the election? I don't. I just vote because if I don't I can't complain.

10. Did you learn about voting in school? If yes, did that impact your willingness to vote today?No, but every one should. My parents taught me about it.

*I wasn't allowed to take a photo inside the polling place so I took one outside.



Lady #1:


1.     What motivated you to come out and vote?

My daughter. Just setting out a good example, for her, and her generation. I also came out because it seems as if its my right as a U.S. citizen to do so.


2.     what would you like to see changed in our political system?

I would like to see them find a valuable candidate to run against Mayor Nutter. I want to have choices of people that would be willing to run this city in a demanding, organized, sufficient way. I want someone to take control and recognize the poor, struggling areas of Philadelphia.


3.     Do you vote in every Election?

Yes I do, even though sometimes I’m not sure who I’m voting for.



4.     What changes do you hope to see in Philadelphia as a result of this election?

As a result of this election I hope that more funding comes into Philadelphia, to create systems that would help create more jobs. After this election, I hope to see new businesses created, that would also help promote new jobs.


5.     Are you always sure of who you are going to be voting for when you walk into the booth or are you still deliberating?

If it’s a major election, I know exactly who I’m voting for, but for general elections I am sometimes undecided. Mostly, because I am unfamiliar with the people running, such as councilman.



Lady #2:


1.     What motivated you to come out and vote?

I just wanted to make sure my voice was heard, because one vote can change everything. Every vote counts.


2.     what would you like to see changed in our political system?

I want to see actual people of the United States to have a say, in political decisions. Also, I want to see people having a true representation of politics in political parties.


3.      What changes do you hope to see in Philadelphia as a result of this election?

Well as of now, economy is a huge issue, especially in Philadelphia. In this city there are so many people that are unemployed, which is a problem. So what I want to see happen is for Philadelphia to get more jobs for people.

4.     Where have you encountered the highest amount of ad campaigning? Radio, T.V. print, internet other.

Television, definitely television. T.V. is one of the main assets to persuading a person to vote, due to campaigning commercials, and ads. They are always visible on the screen.


5.     Do you vote every election?

I try to, but sometimes small elections I don’t take much importance to, but big elections, I am always there, guaranteed.



Lady #3

1.     What motivated you to come out and vote?

I vote because it is my right, and a privilege to do so, as an African American woman of the U.S. Back in the 60’s people have sacrificed so much so that we can vote, and I refuse to let all that hard work go to waste. By voting I feel like I am paying back my respects to the people back in the day, that couldn’t.


2.     What would you like to see changed in our political system?

Well, in the begging, before elections even start, I hate the fact that candidates think it would give them more power to explicitly say negative comments about the people running against them. I think that’s fake, and rude. So I think what should change is the way candidates persuade people to vote for them.


3.     Do you vote every election?

Yes I do. I do it because 1. I work here. And two I think that every person should be involved in political affairs. We are the people, and it’s the only opportunity we’ve got to say what we want, how we want things to run, its all up to us, for once we have the power.


4.     Where have you encountered the highest amount of ad campaigning? Radio, T.V. print, internet other.

T.V., CNN, the news.



5.     Are you always sure of who you are going to be voting for when you walk into the booth or are you still deliberating?

Most of the time I am, and if I’m not, once I get to the booth I have a pretty good idea of who I’m rutting for

Man #4:


1.     What motivated you to come out and vote?

I feel like its my duty to do so, and my privilege because back when I was a kid, African Americans weren’t given the equal rights to vote, and so to honor my ancestors, and my history, I vote. 


2.     What would you like to see changed in our political system?

I would like an end to the mud slinging. Which is when candidates say bad, hurtful things to one another, in order to get elected. I just think that brings a whole bunch ciaos for nothing.


3.     Do you vote every election?

Yes I do, I never miss an election.



4.     What was the most memorable campaign ad that you have encountered?

I thought the most memorable campaign ad was during the presidential election of Obama. Seeing an African American on a screen, running as a candidate to be president I thought was a miracle. Personally, I didn’t even know African Americans were even allowed to run for president to tell you the truth. I just never thought it could happen.


5.     What impact do you feel your vote will have on the election? Did you learn about voting in school? If yes. Did that impact your willingness to vote today.

I vote mostly because of self-motivation, but I also vote to make a change for future generations to come. I vote because it is the only way my voice can be heard, and its only through a push of a button. No I did not learn how to vote when I was in school. 



Election Day- Voting Interview

​Q: What motivated you to come out and vote?

A: For personal reasons, I am voting because a friend of mines is actually running in this election and I wanted to support them 100% of the way. That is why I came out on this beautiful day and voted.

Q: What would you like to see change in our political system?
A: One more party at least, because I think the turn out results would be better.

Q: Do you vote in every election?
A: No, perfect example of change or turn over. Mostly only primary elections do I place my vote in.

Q: Do you know why we vote on Tuesdays?
A: Hmm I used to know why, Let me think! No I don't actually know why.

Q: Where have you encountered the highest amount of ad campaigning? Radio, TV, print, Internet, other.

A: Presidentially, most commonly I have seen TV campaigning and Ads that are featured on the Internet as well. 

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Election Day Interview- Citizenship HW

​First off, I would like to say that I am not the most patriotic person towards America nor am I enthusiastic about anything having to due with the government or politics. My background is far from traditional in this country. It was not to my surprise when my parents where skeptical of me interviewing adults on their beliefs of voting. But nevertheless this is how my interviews went.

Miller School
4300 Westminster Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19104, 
Voting District: PHILADELPHIA WD 06 PCT 10

First Interviewee:
1. What motivated you to come out and vote?
- Change for the better.      
2.Do you vote in every election?
- Yes.

3.Do you know why we vote on tuesday?
- No.
4. What impact will your vote have? 
- Change for the future.

Second Interviewee:
Rd. Bell
1. What motivated you to come out and vote?
 - My personal upbringing.  
2. Do you vote in every election?
- Yes. 
3. Do you know why we vote on tuesday?
- No. 
4. What changes do you hope to see in Philadelphia as a result of this election? 
- Economical change. 

Third Interviewee: 
1. What motivated you to come out and vote? 
- Civil engagement. 
2. Do you vote in every election? 
- Mayor election only. 
3. Do you know why we vote on tuesday? 
- No. 
4. What changes do you hope to see in Philadelphia as a result of this election? 
- More educational funding. 

Fourth Interviewee 
1.What motivated you to come out and vote? 
- The mayor. He represents our voice, and has a place voicing Philadelphians in government.  
2. Do you vote in every election? 
- Yes. 
3. Do you know why we vote on Tuesday? 
- That's a good question! 1845, Congress,Americans shall vote on  Tuesday/Wednesday of November?  
4. What changes do you hope to see in Philadelphia as a result of this election? 
- Property Taxes go down. 

Mohamed Marzouk Voting day!

Question 1.

What motivated you to come out and vote?

"It's my right as an American to vote. Because, most people don't take advantage of there right to vote and it's not right that people don't come out and vote.

Question 2.

What would you like to see changed in our political system.

"Money being donated by corporations. There shouldn't be any more political donations. And, Barack Obama should back up what he said and have some influence on our government and our Country.

Question 3.

Do you vote in every election?(How regularly do you vote?)

"Every Election i have voted in."

Question 4.

Do you know why we vote on Tuesdays?

"I don't actually know, but i like that we vote on Tuesdays. It's better than mondays."

Question 5.

Where have you encountered the highest amount of ad campaigning? Radio, Tv, print, internet, other.

"There's a website called PoliticsPa.com that gave me a lot of information. Since, this year is a dry election and most people don't know about the judges or commissioners out there people don't necessarily care about this election as opposed to the election in 2008 and the upcoming one in 2012"

Question 6.

What was the most memorable campaign ad that you have encountered.

" During the Obama Campaign in 2008 he brought up these messages about hope and his slogan about "Yes we can"


Mike Sanders Voting.

​ I went out to the polls 1 block from my house in the recreation center in pleasant playground on Pleasant and Boyar st. I interviewed 3 people: Mrs. Taylor, Mr. Howard and Mr. Schul

Interview 1 Mrs. Taylor.

Me: What motivated you to come out and vote today?

Mrs. T: Its my Civic duty.

Me: How is it your civic duty?

Mrs. T: Because many people fought for me to have the right to vote. If I don't vote then all the sacrifices my ancestors fought for would be for nothing.

Me: That is really deep. Is there any thing in the political systems you want to change.

Mrs. T: So much patriotism.

Me: Why do you think there is so much patriotism?

Mrs T: The rich are the one with the money and they rise u in positions.

Me: Do you vote every election.

Mrs T: Why yes I believe I have.

Me: Well what changes do you like to see in the Philadelphia political party systems.

Mrs T: Actually I think the mayor is on a good course and should stay. He knows what we need more then we do.

Me: What was The most memorable campaign ad you ever watched.

Mrs. T: I think to me it would have to be the Obama campaign ad.

Me: Finally the trivia question why do we vote on tuesdays.

Mrs T:  I really really don't know. But it shouldn't just be on Tuesday.It should be all week long.

Interview 2 Mr. Howard

Me: What motivated you to come out and vote today?

Mr. H: Its my Civic duty. My CIVIC duty.

Me: How is it your civic duty?

Mr. H: Because my brothas worked hard to get us the right to vote.

Me:  Is there any thing in the political systems you want to change.

Mr. H: The candidates. Their not honest. I hear what they say and see what they do. They don't match up.

Me: Well what changes do you like to see in the Philadelphia political party systems.

Mrs T: Helping the under privilege.

Me: Do you vote every election.

Mr H: Yes I do

Me: What was The most memorable campaign ad you ever watched.

Mr. H: Obama ad. It was historic.

Me: Finally the trivia question why do we vote on tuesdays.

Mr H: Cause it is the last Tuesday before Thanksgiving before the end of the year.

Interview 3 Mr.Schul

Me: What motivated you to come out and vote today?

Mr. S: For changes to try and make changes for our country.

Me:  Is there any thing in the political systems you want to change.

Mr. S: Just people stepping up to mak that change and helping our political system. I wish everyones voice could be heard the same way mines is.

Me: Do you vote every election.

Mr S: Yes 

Me: What was The most memorable campaign ad you ever watched.

Mr. S: Bill Clinton becomes people say he was suppose to lose but peoples voice was heard and he defeated Bush

Me: Finally the trivia question why do we vote on tuesdays.

Mr S: No I do not. Sorry.

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Election Day Interview

​November 8, 2011. 
I went to Sullivan School and because of not liking the responses of the first four I ended up interviewing five. Their lack of enthusiasm and their short responses made me not want to display their interview here and so I chose to only display Sally's interview. 

Kimberly: Hello! I'm Kimberly Cayamcela and I attend Science Leadership Academy. In history class students were assigned to interview a voter. Are you willing to answer a couple questions? 
Sally: Sure! 

Kimberly: Your name please?
Sally: Sally.

Kimberly: What motivated you to come out and vote today? 
Sally: Wanting to see change.

Kimberly: I want to see change as well, hopefully we see change within the next four years. Do you know why we vote on Tuesday?
Sally: Why on Tuesday? No I don't, do you?  

Kimberly: I learned this in history class actually. Because of people having to put aside for their worshiping days and having a job to go to, Tuesday was chosen as the day to vote. This gives the voters enough time to visit the polls without interfering with their days of worship, job, and marketing days. 
Sally: Oh! Thanks for letting me know.

Kimberly: *giggles* you're welcome. Do you vote in every election?
Sally: Yes. I've pretty much voted every opportunity I've had since I was eighteen. 

Kimberly: That's good to hear; we should have more voters like you. Are you always sure of who you are going to vote for before entering the booth?
Sally: No. 

Kimberly: I wouldn't be either. What changes do you hope to see in Philadelphia as a result of this election? 
Sally: For the mayor to focus more on crime fighting. I hear so many stories on people getting jumped. I think he's doing a great job, but I think the crime is out of control. 

Kimberly: I agree. Not only does the mayor need to look out for us a little more, but the people have to be a little more cautious and cooperative. Well, this finalizes the interview. Thank you for your time and have a nice evening!
Sally: Thank you, you too!
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Election Day-Tyler Hankinson

​My Day at the ymca voting polls- This year i decided to go out of my district 1, the district that i decided to go to is the 2nd district this set of voting polls were located at the 16th and Christian street ymca over the course of the day I saw many people come in and out. below is a interview from one of the voters.

  1. 1. What motivated you to come out and vote?

I believe that voting is a privilege and the one vote can make a difference i believe that if i don't vote I never had a opinion  to who is elected

  1. Do you vote in every election? (How regularly do you vote?)

No i do not this is my first year voting 

  1. Do you know why we vote on Tuesday?


  1. Are you always sure of who you are going to vote for when you walk into the booth or are you still deliberating?

I know who I am voting for for the major offices like the mayor but for the smaller ones its pretty much a gamble

  1. What changes do you hope to see in Philadelphia as a result of this election?


Interview at the Polls

My sound didn't work for some reason, so here's a summary of the interview with Ms. Rachel:

(Ms. Rachel's answers were long, so I had to summarize.)

Q: What motivated you to come out and vote?

A: I come out and vote for African-American rights. We have fought for years to gain our rights -and not only African Americans but women and the poor also. The government only listens to those who have money or are in their system. People have to realize that this isn't just a man's world anymore this is a people's world and the people should control our government.

Q: What would you like to see changed in our political system?

A: i would like to see a committee for each city, that met about once a month and reported back to the president and congress, so they could hear everyone's opinion.

Q: Do we know why we vote on Tuesday?

A: No I do not, do you know? (I responded by telling her that according to a seminar I attended the day before it was established years ago and it was because of people who traveled by horse and buggy. They made voting day on Tuesday so people who needed to travel far could do so and get back without traveling on religious days.)

Q:Are you always sure of who you are going to vote for when you walk into the booth or are you still deliberating?

A: I always know who I'm going to vote for.

Q: What changes do you hope to see in Philadelphia as a result of this election?

A: I would like to see Philadelphia become more economical. Right now there are a lot of people on welfare and disability and unemployment. I would like to see ways to handle these issues, a way to help people out.

Voting/Election Day Interview

Interview with Thomas Craig (56 years old)

Question 1. What motivated you to come out and vote? 

Response: If I didn't vote, I wouldn't have the right to complain about something that I thought wasn't right. Voice would not be heard, and no reason to say anything about anything in politics. 

Question 3: Do you vote in every election? (How regularly do you vote?) 

Response: Started voting ever since I turned 18. Now 56, so I've been voting for 38 years. 

Question 4: Do you know why we vote on Tuesday? 

Response: No, not a clue why. 

Question 6: What was the most memorable campaign ad that you have encountered? 
Response: Frank Rizzo, Ronald Reagan. Why? Not much the ad but more so what their stances and records were. 

Question 8. What chances do you hope to see in Philadelphia as a result of this election? 

Response: Not much expectations. There aren't enough good choices, I'm just here to vote on the better ones among the candidates. 

Question 9: What impact do you hope to see in Philadelphia as a result of this election? What impact do you feel that your vote will have on the election? Did you learn about voting in school? If yes, did that impact your willingness to vote today? 
Response: I'm just one person, but the impact is unknown. It has to count in some degrees one way or another. In school they didn't explain voting so well, I don't know if they still do today. But when I first voted? I was clueless and unsure of anything. 

Because the people who worked there didn't allow pictures to be taken I had to take this screenshot from guide.seventy.org as a way to prove that I was there. 
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Shot 2011-11-08 at 4.38.34 PM

Election Day Interviews


The first person I interviewed was Jennifer Hartman and she was a volunteer at the polls. 


Jennifer has voted for every election from our small elections to the Presidential elections. Why do we have voting day on Tuesdays? She has no clue, but it is what it is. The most memorable campaigns are the ones for the 2008 elections because everyone was so hyped up about it all. As for change in our political system, she'd like to see our government improve because we, Philadelphia, are not in the best economical state at the moment. I told Jennifer about my group's benchmark and what we wanted to do to improve the voting system, she agrees that we should get rid of the Electoral Colleges because it is, of course, unfair and we are disenfranchised. 

The second person I interviewed was an old man (Louis?)because the woman Sabrina interviewed told us to see the views of an older person and differentiate her answers and his. We're outside because I was waiting for an old person to show up and just asked if he was going to go inside and vote. 


Louis is obviously old and he too, votes every year. Why? He doesn't know really. People remind him and he shows up. The thing is, Louis doesn't expect to see anything change from this election. As for the amount of impact he has on voting, he doesn't care of know how much his vote will impact the outcome. So if he doesn't really care, why did he come out and vote? Louis was reminded by his neighbors to vote when he was strolling through his neighborhood. He also said his "friend" Obama called him and told him to go out and vote. (HAHA - funny old people..) 


Interview Q&A

Interviewee: Josina Blocker (My Mother)

1. Q: What motivates you to come out and vote?

     A: What motivates me? The future of my child.

Q: What would you like to see changed in our political system?

     A: Umm. I would like to see the bickering amongst parties I would like to see that become more partisanship  rather than bipartisanship

Q: Do you know why we vote on Tuesday?

    A: Do you know why? Because I don’t.

Q: Do you know about the law that states prisoners not being able to vote? Do you agree or disagree with that and why?

    A: I feel as though they only put this law through because of our president. I disagree with that law because if they are still considered US citizens and did their time they should be able to let their voice be heard just like any other US citizen.

Q: Did you learn about voting in school? If yes, did that impact your willingness to vote today?

    A: No, I didn’t really learn about school that much it wasn’t a big topic back then and that was in the 80’s really. Voting to me is much different then what it used to be. Voting is more popular than it ever was before because of our black president.

Q: Are you always sure of who you are going to vote for when you walk into the booth?

     A: Yes I am.

Q: Do you vote in every election?

    A: Yes.

The War On Drugs: Effective?

For my Rethinking History Project, I decided to do Drug Criminilization and the War on Drugs. The War on Drugs is represented to be something effective that will stop drugs from being sold, used, or transported and keep the children/youth and streets safe. It is also represented as something that really works and takes all of the criminals off the streets. In all actuality, the War on Drugs has more of a negative impact than a positive one. The viewer of this documentary style video should see that the War on Drugs may have some positives, but it is not always good and the gray area behind it is not always put to light. People should not completely side with the War on Drugs being bad, because it does have its positives to it. Enjoy and take in some knowledge that you might not have known if you hadn't watched this video!

Clear Object

This was my favorite work of mine so far this quarter. It still isn't amazing, but I really liked seeing something that only I could see. Everyone can look at a beaker, but because of the lighting everyone sees it differently. I really liked using the charcoal, however I tried to color in the lighting with a white crayon, it just made the charcoal all waxy and then I couldn't change it. Unlike my last project I think I did a really good of drawing what I saw. Also, Emma helped me get my head on about how I should do this.

The US Patriot Act

I chose to pick the Patriot Act for the prior knowledge that I had of it from a paper written on it in 8th grade. I love talkng about 9/11 and honoring the people who have fallen.

​ In my opinion, this law was pass relatively fast and could have received a little more revision. This bill was pass in the nation most weakest point in it history, and the government need to strengthen their securities. Some of the paranoia of this attack and the creation of this law has cause a serious racial profiling issue for every muslim and/or of Arabic culture american problems. I think the government should look over this laws now and modernize and update it.

My decision for choosing this bil is before the project I was becoming interested in learning more about The Patriot Act. I had learned about it back in 9th grade for a brief time and we talked about how it became a law. I picked to make a video because  Some of the challenges I had faced was trying to make a interesting video and not packing it full of words and paragraphs. I also had difficulties making the background music for the video in garage band. I would make it better, honestly I think I could have done better. I had all the information but put it poorly in the presentation. The creation process of this law was  fast and not well thought out to me after researching it. The was not harder than the story of the bill on school house rock. It was easy in my opinion.