Ginnetti Business Unit

Fat cats and poor, rags versus rich,

Been playing too long its causing a glitch,

The Monopolizing monopolies the fat cats who rule

They're taxing the poor and acting far too cruel

 The change in America isn't change for the better

Mother Liberty is dying and I got a question will we let her?

This monopoly is a game I ask what piece are you

The fat cats who collect or the players without a clue

We're suffering for their choices, but they're deaf when we holler

Passing GO too many times and collecting our 200 dollars

Rockefeller and Carnegie the ingredients destroying our system

The ones with money and greed but no sense of wisdom

Teddy shot them down on an economical hunt

Solving many problems on a diplomatic front

Stopping the railroad, the coal, the game altogether

Busting the trusts and making life better

The monopolies were dead, but the game still went on

Sucking Americas work and hope until it was all gone

The stock market crashed, the system had faded

Until FDR came along took the system and upgraded

The WPA, and Social Security Act

Brought the economy higher than before and that's a fact

Making jobs for the unemployed was from the Civil Works Administration

Healing the scars one by one of a broken Nation

Explain your choice of Presentation Format:

I chose to present with a poem, because I feel that writing poetry would better show my understanding of the topic rather then creating a powerpoint.

Two sentences about your answer to the essential question.
Systematic change is and can be created by anybody with the will power. However not everybody will benefit from it.

What questions do you sill have about business in America?
Is there anyway that business could be successful for everybody?
