Julian Makarerchi- Quarter 2 Sketches and Artist Statement

I am Julian Makarechi a sophomore at Science Leadership Academy. I have taken some art classes in the past at my old elementary school, but nothing serious. This is my second year taking art at SLA and my second quarter in this advanced art class. Like last year I have Ms. Hull as my teacher and she has been able to teach me many different methods to improve my artistic skills. The sketches below are drawings that were assigned to do on drawspace.com. This site is very helpful, its explains how to do each drawing and shows you other peoples sketches as well. As the quarter went by my sketches started to improve, I was able to get a general understand of most of the topics. The sketches vary from portraits and animals to shading and squirkles. I am pretty happy with my art work and how I have developed it. 

How to make flickr slideshow:
1. Create a flickr account on flickr.com (very simple; you may sign up with gmail or facebook)
2. Upload you pictures to your photo stream (you may rotate and add caption them if you would like)
3. Transfer all your desired pictures from your photo stream to a set by "clicking create set"
4. Finally turn that set into a slideshow and take the embed code to post on other sites.

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.
