Libby Montana Asbestos - Reflection

​As far as things that went well, the gathering of the information played a key role in the completion of the final info-graphic. Assembling a good list of primary sources was crucial for having good facts and information, and because we had them, the final product was able to be a lot better. Also, changing things around and using a google.drawling came out pretty well, too. In regards to things that didn't go too well, are simply the spacing in which we completed our checkpoints. Lauf specifically said we'd only work on it in class, but there were times where we'd have to do some parts for homework simply because we couldn't afford to be behind in class the following day. Also on the topic of process, we did finish literally in the knick of time, because by the time class ended, we just put the finishing touches on it and submitted it. What I'd do differently really just goes with what didn't go well. And that's the process. I'm a little curious because all in all, we did a fairly good job with the process given the circumstances (people being absent, days without class, etc.). So all I could suggest is that next time, we'd have to be on top of the classwork and make sure that come the next day, we wouldn't have to work on anything outside of class.

Be Concise - We didn't use too many words, but relied on using pictures and graphs to relay the information.

Be Visual - Similarly, the majority of the info-graphic is comprised mainly if pictures, graphs, and keys to demonstrate the facts and information gathered.

Be Smarter - I'm not necessarily sure how "smarter" we could have made it, but as far as information is concerned I suppose we did a "smart" job. 

Be Transparent - Similar to being concise, it's just specific data without too many words that shows the information we've gathered.

Be Different - Though the difference factor played a role, I feel that what we did isn't too out of the ordinary. We applied many different styles of explaining the information. 

Be Accurate - The information 
