Mferry - Environmental Unit

-I enjoyed this project a lot. My group dynamics with Cheyenne worked very well, but with other members it could have gone smoother. The difficult part of this project was finding reliable resources that gave us different information on the different animals that the Garbage Patch kills. The only information that we found out about the size of different countries in comparison to the Patch was found and created on our own, but taking the Square KM of the Patch and comparing it to different countries.
There's many different things I would do, if I were given the time, resources and information.  If I were to do this info graphic again on the same topic, I'd include different ways to show information. The way that I wanted to originally show the size comparison of the Garbage Patch to the other countries was by placing the countries inside of the garbage patch, visualizing just how large it is in comparison to countries around the world. I would also like to have more specific information on what exactly is thrown in the patch, and maybe including the different materials and brands. For instance, if this is the case, I could show that the largest concentration of soft drink bottles in Coke-a-Cola, rather than Sprite or another company. I could also then use this information to help petition or protest against these companies for them to create more biodegradable materials, or to have more effective recycling opportunities. There's many different things I would like to do, but for my first ever infographic, I'm content with it.
