Advanced Essay #2: Disability doesn't define you

The purpose of my essay is to inform people that having a disability does not define you. It makes you stand out from others in society. I am very proud of my thoughts in my essay. I was very passionate when writing each and every word. To improve my writing process I would work on connecting my ideas so they match up. Also i would make the flow of my essay makes sense.

Disability doesn't define you

People with disabilities tend to stand out more than others. In today's world people are quick to judge and talk about you. They assume you are incapable of doing everyday things. We are doubted the minute we step outdoors. The most annoying thing is the stares, whispers, and gossip. I experience this everyday. Having a disability will always be challenging. They can shape me into the person I am today.

Often times people tell me your beautiful. When I am outside there are people with ugly stares and rude comments. The comments are basically dismissing me. They see a disabled girl and automatically believe she doesn't belong here. Nicola griffith once said “ it took me years to feel the sting of nondisabled peoples dismissal”. Everyone has the thought of not being wanted. At times i say I am a burden to my family. Always having to ask for help is annoying for them at times. Even if they don't say it I know they think it.      

Sometimes it is hard to accept that I am pretty even with a disability. Trying to brush off the stares and, gossip the minute I walk outside is hard. In December I dealt with an incident with stares and gossip and let those people get the best of me. I went to church with my mom and siblings. A group of students from her job were performing “he's able”. After service we attended a mini art show. One of the choir boys looked at me and continued staring at me. Then he told his friend to do the same thing. The first boy whispered he’s scared of me to his friend. I pretended to not care and walked away. Unfortunately, the boys found me again and asked “are you ok”. Again I walked away, this time was different though. I started crying and let my emotions get the best of me.

Shortly after this incident I was reminded of my worth. My friend told me “ You were made to stand out and be different, and you are great and beautiful just the way you are”. This helped me feel better about who I am as a person. I knew my true beauty with my disability included.  Nowadays, I try to not let what people think of me affect me. The more I don't care about what people think, the more I begin to love myself. I have accepted that life will always be a challenge. However I will stay true to myself no matter what people say.

As a disabled person, we choose to either be a victim or live our life to the fullest. I watched a buzzfeed video titled Always live your best life !. In the video she says “ you can conquer everything that they told you couldn't do and be out here winning”.  Having a condition does not mean your exempt from being your best yourself. You are pretty and special just like every other human being. We are able to do things we have always wanted to do. Also we have our own way of doing things.

In our society people like to categorize each other. They singlehandley group people together and label them. Disabled people are silently judged all their life.  We get the ugly stares, gossip about our looks. People are not mature enough to ask about why we look this way. Instead they judge us and believe we are unable to be pretty without looking like everyone else. As a community we should be more welcoming to compliment one another. Especially anyone who stands out and has a disability. We are not exempt just because we have a disability. However we tend to stand out more than others.

Some people may see disability as a weakness. Its like society thinks less of us because we have a condition. When people whisper and stare they do it for enjoyment. I pretend to do my best to ignore them. Ignoring them helps me become a stronger person. My confidence within myself grows after each stare and comment. Nobody should be singled out because they look different. When we categorize ourselves it gives people the power to single us out.

Having a disability does not mean your less prettier than someone else. Your disability will always a part of you. Never forget your true beauty no matter what you experience. Each little annoying stare and gossip will  make you greater. Every incident I endured was for the greater good. Those incidents gave me power to know my true worth.
