Basic conversation questions.

"Como te llamas?" You might not understand this. I just asked for your name. You would have to say, "Me llamo (your name)." There are also other ways to say this. You could use "Yo soy (your name)." or "Mi nombre es (your name)." You could then ask how they're doing. You would say, "¿Que tal?," ¿Como va,?"or "¿Como estas?" You would then either hear the reply of "Muy Bien!" which means "very well", "Mas o menos." which means 'alright", or "Mal/Terrible." which means 'awful." After you have finished talking, you can say "Mucho Gusto" which means "Nice to meet you." Or you can say "Un placer." which means "It's a pleasure." Their reply would be "Igualmente" which means "Likewise."

Let's say you're in a new country. You want to make a new friend since you don't have any in that country. Basic conversation can get you far. You can ask someone their name by asking "Como te llamas?" They would then tell you their name and ask for yours. Tell them your name by saying, "Me llamo (your name)." or ""Mi nombre es (your name)."After you guys are finished talking, you can say, "Mucho gusto." This shows your appreciation of meeting him/her. They would then say "Igualmente" which means likewise. You just made a new friend.
