Creative writing story

Creative writing story (1)

Comments (5)

Cana Berkey-Gerard (Student 2024)
Cana Berkey-Gerard

I LOVED the prologue. It was so beautifully written, and made me very interested in the story. I think it did feel a little out of place with the rest of the story, though, so maybe some of that sort of writing could be sprinkled into the rest of the story, to tie it together and keep that element throughout. This has such great potential - I feel like this could be a full book, if each of these chapters were expanded, with the characters and their pasts fully fleshed out. But really good job, especially with the prologue and epilogue. (also, that writing style reminded me of one of my favorite books, Strange the Dreamer. It's written a lot like your prologue, throughout the story, and it's such an amazing book. I recommend it if you like writing like that :)

Larissa Pahomov (Teacher)
Larissa Pahomov

This story moved to its conclusion pretty quickly — but I figure that was a feature of getting to the finish line by the deadline. What I really appreciated was how your closing "The world moved for her, but it would for him too" balanced things out. Over the course of the story, the scales tip in favor of Odin, and the reader has to sit with that shift, maybe cheer it or maybe feel uncomfortable about it. The fact that Julia's not a monster helps, makes it more complex.

Thorne Englander (Student 2025)
Thorne Englander

the prologue thing and epilogue thing were very well written. captivatingly written and setting up a romance very well. the ending is a nice mirror of the beginning and I just wish it had gone on a little longer

Sania Galloway (Student 2024)
Sania Galloway

I think that this writing is successful at depicting how when people near the end of a relationship, there are some signs of what is to come. I think this works well in showing how personal growth can be the outcome of a breakup and that breakups don't have to be a bad thing. I kind of felt like Julia didn't really want to stay even from the start, so I felt in my mind that she was always going to go back. I kind of don't understand the context, but I like how the prologue is written since it shows why there relationship worked out in the beginning and how they fell in love.