Curious Case of Dreams

. Dreams are stories and scenarios that take place in a person’s brain during times of slumber. Although dreams aren't real, Dreams do have an impact on how humans feel when they wake up. Humans can feel sad, happy, scared, or even anxious. Dreams can feel very real at times, so real that people wish they were a reality. When humans dream, the images may seem weird and bizarre, but dreams are actually an expression of what humans truly want and can't have. Overall studies show that whatever the human mind intakes or wants and need will show up in their dreams. In the book “The Interpretation of Dreams” written by Sigmund Freud; he quoted “our dreams are representations of our unconscious desires.” Meaning that what we truly desire will be in our dreams. Considering most people’s dreams are uncontrollable and not lucid, what can’t take place, in reality, will occur in our dreams. For example, an individual could dream of something but in reality could be something very different. Which questions: why do this? When desired that. ¨Dreams can be very personal, and it’s entirely up to you to figure them out.¨ The distinction between want and desire is that what humans desire will always transcend what humans want. Since wish fulfillment is the meaning of each and every dream, what humans actually desire will only be in dreams that it might come as a surprise because they had no clue they desired but what they wanted. Furthermore, a girl could want to be with her boyfriend for the rest of life but will continue to see the boy in the back of the class in her dreams. It would be bizarre for him to keep appearing in her dreams but it would mean she wants something from him. Their love. Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung are two psychiatrists who devoted their lives to find the meaning of dreams. Both Freud and Jung had different hermeneutics on Dreams. Where Freud believed that dreams are sacred sexual desires and Jung more so that dreams had a meaning behind it.Furthermore, it's not all about sexual desires, it's about what the human wants. As Carl Jung said, “Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart. Who looks outside dreams. Who looks inside, awakens.” Which means not only what humans want remains in their heart but also in their dreams as well. As the author of Seven Pillars of Wisdom T. E. Lawrence said “All men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake up in the day to find it was vanity…”. Which means that people dream differently because humans need and desire differently. Conclusively regardless of what humans do in reality, dreams will tell what is really desired.

Curious Case of Dreams.

Dreams are stories and scenarios that take place in a person’s brain during times of slumber. Although dreams aren't  real, Dreams do have an impact on how humans feel when they wake up. Humans can feel sad, happy, scared, or even anxious.  Dreams can feel very real at times, so real that people wish they were a reality. When humans dream, the images may seem weird and bizarre,but dreams are actually an expression of what humans truly want and can't have.  

Overall  studies show that whatever the human mind intakes or wants and need will show up in their dreams. In the book “The Interpretation of Dreams” written by Sigmund Freud; he quoted “our dreams are representations of our unconscious desires.” Meaning that what we truly desire will be in our dreams. Considering most people’s dreams are uncontrollable and not lucid, what can’t take place, in reality, will occur in our dreams. For example an individual could dream of something but in reality could, be something very different. Which questions :why do this? When desired that.

¨Dreams can be very personal, and it’s entirely up to you to figure them out.¨ The distinction between want and desire is that what humans desire will always transcend what humans want.  Since wish fulfillment is the meaning of each and every dream, what humans actually desire will only be in dreams that it might come as a surprise because they had no clue they desired but what they wanted. Furthermore, a girl could want to be with her boyfriend for the rest of life but will continue to see the boy in the back of the class in her dreams. It would be bizarre for him to keep appearing in her dreams but it would mean she wants something from him. Their love.

Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung are two psychiatrist who devoted their lives to find the meaning of dreams. Both Freud and Jung had different hermeneutics on Dreams.  Where Freud believed that dreams are sacred sexual desires and Jung more so that dreams had a meaning behind it.Furthermore, it's not all about sexual desires, it's about what the human wants.   As Carl Jung  said, “Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart. Who looks outside dreams. Who looks inside, awakens.”   Which means not only what humans want remains in their heart but also in their dreams as well.


As the author of Seven Pillars of Wisdom  T. E. Lawrence said “All men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake up in the day to find it was vanity…” . Which means that people dream differently because humans need and desire differently. Conclusively regardless of what humans do in reality, dreams will tell what is really desired.

Comments (2)

Avraham Cantor (Student 2019)
Avraham Cantor
  1. I am wondering how our dreams reflect who we are as people.
  2. This 2fer convinced me that dreaming is a way to escape the world that we live in while still being detained by our desires.