Dalnicks Matt Print

What is your element? Name and atomic number My element is Titanium and the atomic number is 22. Tell the reader about your element, history, function/use and so on. My element was discovered by William Gregor in 1779 in Cornwall, England.My element can be used in aircraft, space crafts, and missiles. Titanium is also very resistant to corrosion in water it is used in desalination plants and also to protect hulls of ships, submarines, and other structure in seawater. Titanium is found in all rocks, sand, clay, and other soils. It is also present in plants, animals, and natural waters.Titanium is a transition metal. How did you get the idea for the imagery you chose? One of my favorite superheroes was the Wolverine. All through my childhood, I watched his movie, and when I hear titanium I remember of his claws. At first, he had bone claws but a scientist infected him with titanium and his claws became made of titanium. What process did you go through to make this print? First I had to draw three different designs that interested me. I had titanium balls, a titanium arrow, and The Wolverines claws. The one that caught my most interest was the claws. I then had to draw my design with great detail to make it look real. After this, we traced our element and our design onto a sheet of paper, which we then traced it again on a piece of foam. We then proceeded to rolling paint on it and pressing it down against a paper to create our image. In my case, I decided to use the color red. What would you do differently if you did this print a second time? If I were to print this again I would evenly spread the paint better so my picture could be better detailed, and have a better outline. My prints came out good but I believe some parts of the image could be better defined and more colored in. What part of the project did you enjoy the most? Describe the step and what you liked so much about it. The part I enjoyed doing the most was drawing Wolverines hand. I am not a very good artist, so I had to research different hands to get a better image on how to draw a hand. Surprisingly it is very hard to draw a hand because there is so much detail. When I looked at my final piece I was very proud of it.

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