Election day assignment


Interviewee: Alex from Penn
Time 06:18 p.m
Location: Chinese Christian Church, 255 N. 10th street

1. What motivated you to come out and vote?
   -- “I am actually from California but I registered [to vote] in Philadelphia because I thought that it would make a bigger difference in Pennsylvania than it would back home. And I feel like it’s an important election just in term of control of Congress.”

2. What would you like to see changed in our political system?
  -- “Um..well...honesty, openness, transparency.”

3. How regularly do you vote?
   -- “Every election”

4. Do you know why we vote on Tuesday?
  -- “No, I actually don’t.”
[I explained to them after that.]

5. Where have you encountered the highest amount of ad campaigning?
  -- “On TV”

6. What was the most memorable campaign ad that you have encountered?
  -- “I heard one this morning about Pat Toomy, and it was one of that...um...it was like the radio show host that he’s pretending to be really objective but the callers were saying all of this like nasty stuffs about Pat Toomy, and he’s like “That’s true, but I can only state the facts”...
7. Are you always sure of who you are going to vote for when you walk into the booth?
  -- “I am usually sure before.”
8. What changes do you hope to see in Philadelphia as a result of this election?
  -- “I am actually voting more on the federal, for the federal seats. I am not really interested in [Philadelphia]. Institutionally, I guess it’s the gun issue. I think that that’s something I’d love to see changed, obviously.”

9. What impact do you feel that your vote will have on the election?
  -- “I think it will have quite an impact here, not necessarily as much if I was voting back in California.”

10. Did you learn about voting in school?
  -- Yeah, I did. In middle school, elementary school.
     Did that impact how you feel about voting?
  -- “Yeah, absolutely. It helps me to learn about candidates and makes more informed decision when I vote.”

Here are some pictures at the poll place:

Poll site 01
Poll site 01
poll site 02
poll site 02
poll site 03
poll site 03
poll site 04
poll site 04
Chalking sidewalks

Location: 17 & St. James st
Time: 07:17 p.m Nov 1st 2010
election day chalk 01
election day chalk 01
election day chalk 02
election day chalk 02
Passing Flyers

Time: 07:15 p.m Nov 1st 2010
Location: 17 & St. James st.
election day flyer
election day flyer
