Enemy of the State Response

In this film, the government was portrayed as a hasty and invasive body. The film begins with the murder of a congressman who, for a valid reason, refuses to side with the passing of a bill that will allow for more the surveillance of American citizens. The murder is staged to look like a suicide and this becomes the first level of secrecy in the movie. The main character, Bobby, unknowingly gets a hold of the video recording of the murder and is then hunted throughout the rest of the movie for information that he does not even discover until nearly the end of the movie. 

Personally, I believe that the government should be able to have access to our private information when there is a just reason for doing so. In the film there was no threat to national security or crime committed that warranted the invasion of Bobby's privacy. The scene where Bobby's house was bugged with wires, but is left looking like a robbery best captures the image of a direct invasion of privacy.  The man can't even go into his own house without having his every move monitored. At what point is the line drawn and the powers of the government and NSA limited? However, I did find it interesting when Bobby and Lyle were able to bug  the hotel room of another government official using the same technology as the NSA. When  Reynolds explains to the NSA team that their mission was only a practice added to the layers of lies and secrecy in the movie. The entire mission Jack Black's character and the rest of the tech people are under the impression that this is just routine, brings into question how much the NSA and government can manipulate their own staff, and citizens. 
