
For this quarter our purpose in the benchmark was to find 3 people that were 10,20, and 30 years older than us and tell us a song they liked from when they were born. We also had to find events that occurred in the years 1986, 1976, and 1966 to match with the songs from those time periods. The reason why we had to find songs and events was to see how that specific time period had to do with african american history. As to the events like what was occurring in that time at Africa or the songs to how the singers saw life at that time and showed the world through lyrics. The best part of this project was actually finding out about the songs that were chosen and seeing the singers point of view. Also it was very fun to put all my effort onto the wiki and feel proud of the work i did. The most challenging part was finding events that related to African American history in those specific time periods. 
