2Fer #7 Shamus Keough

Shamus Keough
Mrs. Pahomov
English 3
20, April 2018

                                         Nothing more important than your phone
As time has gone on, technology has become more popular and more accessible to the population. Most people nowadays have some type of smartphone and have it with them almost all of the day. People use their phones for stuff like Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Youtube, Uber, among many other things. People value their phones, and they use them with everything. There are certain effects that they have on people.
First off, a big way that phones affect people’s lives is someone being able to receive quick messages. Pretty much all current smartphones are equipped with some type of search site, like safari or google, and people use them to find the information they might need. Many people may just need an answer to a question, and using their phone to find the answer would be much faster than other options. A survey done by NBC News showed that cell phones are essential to 83% of Americans lives, to retrieve information immediately, to relieve boredom or to help in emergencies. Clearly showing that many people use their phones as their way to get information. This has made it so people can find the answer to a question much faster than if they had to use a home computer, which would take much longer.
Secondly, people spend a lot of time on their phones throughout the day. People spend lots of time on their phones on lots of different things. People can spend their time on different types of social media, or school/job work related things. While some may be more important than others, people still spend lots of time during their day doing these activities. A study by the company mobileinsurance.com found that the average person will spend 90 min a day on their phone, which would be about 23 days a year. Many people spend a lot of time on their phones daily now, a lot more compared to other activities throughout the day. This time that people are spending on their phones during the day could be spent on more useful/important things. Things like family, work, shopping, among many other things.
Another point, being the types of apps that people use. In the recent years, there have been many new unique apps created, like Uber, Spotify, Snapchat, among many other. Many of these apps have changed lots of things that people do in their normal lives. Spotify for example, making it much easier for people to listen to music. Where before people would have to buy an album or specific song so they could listen to it on their phone, now many people just pay for Spotify so they can stream all of their favorite songs whenever they want. Many apps like this are also used by a lot of people. For example, Snapchat was the 11th most popular app of 2017, and Spotify is the 5th most popular app of 2017 (info from the website Business Insider). Many of these apps change how people do normal activities in their lives, like listening to music or communicating with people.
Finally, the effect apps like Lyft or Uber have had on transportation. Apps like Lyft or Uber have become extremely popular within the last few years. Many people have used the app so they could have a new job, being a driver for either of the companies. Many people also use the app so they can get around easier, and also so they can get around if they don’t own a car. Both of these apps have become extremely popular in the U.S. and around the world. According to the Los Angeles Times, Lyft is valued at a $5 billion company, and Uber is a $62.5 billion company. These companies have not only created many jobs for the people who work for either company but also changed how many people use transportation from their phones.
As shown, social media and your phone being so important (to most people) have had many effects on people’s normal lives. They have affected how people get their information, how lots of their time is spent, how they do many normal activities (like listening to music or communicating with people), or how many people transport themselves.

This is my best possible 2fer because I put as much time and effort as I could into it, and because this is a topic I care about. The week that we have had to do this 2fer involved a lot of work for other classes, and I had to try as hard as I could to find time to work on this. When most people try to talk about social media/phone use and the effects of them, lots of people just talk about how they distract kids or are bad for you. I wanted to talk about the other effects they have on humans, like the effect on transportation, listening to music, or people getting their information.



