How Can We Lower The Cost Of Insulin To Consumers?

In my last post Is Insulin a Right or Privilege?, I explained the different ways insulin prices are affected by our society. Insulin is actually pretty cheap to make, so why is the price so high? My only logical explanation is money, people want to make lots of money and nt enough people are aware of this so this problem just gets pushed to the side.Many different diabetes groups are bringing this issue to light and are trying to influence people to care about this. Each group has done their own social media posts about the pricing of insulin. Specifically beyond type 1 sticks out to me most because they are always posting pictures of people with diabetes and it’s not the same person. They also ask questions in their post for people to answer in the chat. I think Posting about it and acknowledging it there is a huge step forward but I also think trying to fix it from the inside is a good idea. With all the legal things involved, it’s a lot harder to get 3 competing companies to lower all their insulin prices since they’d be losing tons of money.

Representative katie porter made a post about this issues couple months ago and I saved this twitter thread because it shows that some people higher up in the government care about this issue as well. In her post she said how quickly prices are rising and that she wants answers. She then tweets under that post saying that she teamed up with the American Economic Liberties Project

I couldn’t decide whether to contact someone or to post about it, so I did both. I think doing both was better than only trying to do one and like I said earlier I think this problem needs to be fixed from the inside. Whether that be the government or the companies themselves. I emailed my local councilman to inform him of the issue. Although I didn’t get a response I still feel like I made a change and I knew that I had a backup option in case I didn’t get a response.

The second thing I did was make a social media post about this issue. The main thing I talked about was the choices that people have to make when it comes to buying their insulin or paying their bills. I didn’t want to make a long post or bore people with all the reasons why this is so I asked for people to repost this and spread awareness.

This is someone reposting my post

I dont know how many people actually repossessed his but I know my friend ddi and she has more followers than me so I know enough people saw this for me to call it successful because even if i only educated one person I would feel like I made change since they can now go on to tell other people. Between these two changes I think I was pretty effective in spreading awareness.

I really enjoyed completing this project because It never got boring and I actually did something aI knew others would see. Over the course of completing this project I realized how invested I was in this issue because in the beginning I knew this issue needed to be fixed and I chose it because I could just as easily be in this situation. Everytime my insulin pump fell off or failed I worried about the amount of insulin being wasted. Even though I knew no matter what I could’ve done I couldn’t have helped someone with it. I feel like I could have asked more people in my family personally to repost because not everyone saw my post. I also think I should’ve tried to create a new account for that and linked it in my bio because I don’t think people took it as seriously. I can still continue to spread awareness about this issue so that these big companies realize what they’re doing is wrong.
