How to ask for someones number

Things you need to know to ask for someones number
1.How to ask what their number is: "¿Cuál es tu número de teléfono? (What is your phone number?)
2.What the word for the numbers are: 1-10= Uno, Dos, Tres, Cuatro, Cinco, Ses, Sete, Ocho, Nueve, Diez 11-15=Once,Doce,Trece,Catorce,Quince: 20-29=Viente plus a single digit 30-39=Treinta plus a single digit 40-49= Caurtato plus a single digit 50-59= Cinquenta plus a single digit 60-69=Seseta plus a single digit 70-79=Setenta plus a single digit 80-89=Ochenta plus a single digit 90-99=Nueventa plus a single digit
3.How to divide the phone number: instead of dividing everythree letters you divide every two for example: 2/67 2/53 84/88
