Humanities Portfolio 2011

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 Throughout my sophomore year in Mr. Block’s history and English class I have gone about understanding many different parts of his class. There were times that I would struggle in his class or be able to be on top of everything we were doing. Then there were the times I did not enjoy one thing we were doing. Now that the year is over I have developed more knowledge to get general understandings from both English and History.

From English class I learned that your opinion could help make a difference. I realized this from writing our op-ed in History class and writing thesis papers in English class also in History. Something said in my op-ed was, “Just remember who was the savior for you at one point!” In my op-ed I wrote about how the shootings and weapons that kill police officers are wrong.

            I took a lot from the year I also took more understanding from in English class with our poetry unit. We wrote about whatever we wanted, but we had a certain form of poem we had to write. I wrote a poem about my dad it said, "Ever since that day I wished you were the father I thought you would be." ­From writing this poem I learned that peoples expressions or words can really tell who they are.

Another understanding from this year was something I learned from the letter we had to write somebody in english class. In this project I wrote a letter to my best friend Patrick. He made me realize that words from others can make you think twice about life. He just was apart of a bad situation and his action reminded me of something we read during class. This letter made me really think and it actually made him realize his wrong.

            The last and final thing I took from this year was the ability to be able to write and express how I felt. This all came from the journals we wrote and creative pieces and descriptive pieces we worked on throughout the year. The understanding is that the expression of writings actually brings out the best in you. I took this understanding from a descriptive writing piece I wrote about several scenes put into one to create a story. "He popped the question,” will you marry me?" This was the night when my stepdad proposed to my mom, this part in time of my life brought out the best of me and by writing about it made it show whom I was and how I reacted to the fact of everything going on.

            Now that you have seen some of the work I have done throughout the year I hope you got an understanding of the things I did during the year. This year went by so fast and we did so many things in both English and History. From all the work I have done I got the biggest understanding of all. From the beginning of year to the end you receive more then you think you can handle, and you become a brand new person in the end of it all.


