Knowing the a,b,c en español

Knowing the alphabet is very important to learn. By learning the Spanish alfabeto, you can know how to write someone's name, if they don't know English. If you're at work and someone approaches you, asking for something, but you can't understand whose name they are saying. So you can ask them to spell it in español and you would know who they are talking about. The alfabeto is very easy to learn and kind of fun too.
*Fun fact : There are 27 letters in the Spanish alfabeto, whereas in English, there are only 26.
* All español letters are lower-cased, not upper-cased.

a   (ah)                  i  (eee)                    p (peh)           x (equis)    

b   (beh)                j   (hota)                 q (cooo)         y ( eee griega)  

c   (seh)                 k  (kah)                   r (ereh)          z (seta)     

d   (deh)                l   (eleh)                  s  (eseh)         

e    (eh)                 m  (emeh)                t  (teh)

f    (efeh)               n   (eneh)                u  (oooo)

g    (hey)                ñ  (enyeh)               v  (beh)

h    (acheh)            o    (o)                     w (doble ve)

You may notice that the pronunciation for the letter "v" is the same as the letter "b". Those 2 letters' pronunciation are the same, so if you are spelling a name, Billy. You would have to say "B" larga. If the name is Victor, the "V" would be corta. So you need to tell which letter you are saying, either b (larga) or v (corta). Both same pronunciations, but different letter.

b = larga
v = corta

This is a video of a spelling bee contest, where they hear the words in English and spells it in Spanish. A judge asking a contestant to spell "cat" and "dog" in Spanish. Enjoy!
This link is a lesson to learn how to greet someone en español​. Please feel free to click here.

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