Knowledge in THT

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This scene in the handmaid's tale is when Offred and Serena Joy have an unlikely interaction where Serena who has been more known to be a rule follower, takes a photo of Offred's child from the old world and shows it to Offred in an act of kindness. But really It’s just to push her own agenda. She now is the holder of information that Offred wants, but during this interaction, Offred has feelings and thoughts about learning this information. She reflects on the meaning of being a mother. She says “But she exists in her white dress. She grows and lives. Isn’t that a good thing? A blessing? Still, I can’t bear it, to have been erased like that. Bette she’d brought me nothing”(228). This is contradictory to before in the book when she asked for knowledge from the commander. But now she is regretting gaining this knowledge. So that begs the question, What is knowledge? A blessing or a curse? Does it depend on the situation? And why does this pain her more than help her. Before this, she thought that asking for knowledge was getting answers and also power. And as humans it makes sense because curiosity is a very human trait. But what does knowledge bring with it? Darkness? Offred seems to think that knowing too much can kill you. 
The longer the book goes on, her view of knowledge grows and changes according to how it makes her feel. In many ways knowledge is useful and brings a lot of benefits the majority of the time. But in contrast to that, information can hurt people mentally. Like Offred, people will want to know things (especially when it relates to them directly), and sometimes it will hurt, but really it’s dependent on multiple factors. Like who the person is, how they take the information (like interpret it), and what the information is to them. 
Knowledge makes it so you can’t imagine as much information. For example in the picture above, she learns that her daughter is still alive and thriving, but the catch is that she’s experiencing life without Offred who wished to be a part of it. Now that Offred knows this she can’t imagine that her daughter escaped, or died. It doesn’t give her the closure she so wanted from the photo. Now her imagination is more limited and she can’t indulge in those same fantasies. 
