Macbeth Trading cards

For this project Kobe and I chose to make trading cards. We chose to do most characters but removed or combined some if they were not essential to meet the time requirements. We chose to do trading cards so that we could show the significance and our knowledge of the characters and plot but have the work easily split up. We also wanted something we could work on separately due to the fact that Kobe had cheer competition.

Click here to view the trading cards.
Layout planning
Layout planning
Card list
Card list
Card layout
Card layout
Sleepwalking Lady Macbeth card
Sleepwalking Lady Macbeth card
Macbeth card
Macbeth card
Lady Macbeth  card
Lady Macbeth card
Macbeth head card
Macbeth head card
​These trading cards were created to analyze each character and their actions. The cards include basic facts, analysis, and a rating. Each card goes into detail about how the character and their actions add to the play and impact the outcome of the play. These cards can be traded based on the raiting. Five stars is very rare witch means the character is important and greatly impacts the play. One star is common this means it is a minor character and their actions don't impact the play greatly.

Comments (3)

Grace Karlen (Student 2022)
Grace Karlen

I think these cards are both great as they show different aspects of Macbeth and its characters, and as trading cards that are meant to be used as such. The descriptions and scale of stars are great.