Lobbying Idea

​In America today you hardly see any after school sports programs for kids to be involved in and you see more and more children getting into bad acts because of the lack of these programs, you also see more and more children becoming obese because of these programs being taken out of schools. For my lobbying project I will explore ways to get these programs back into schools and how to lower the oncoming epidemic of childhood obesity in america; I will look closely at programs like play60 which encourages kids to get out and play for an hour a day by incorporating the idea with professional athletes, I will also look at what city officials in Philadelphia are doing to change this problem. In Philadelphia because of budget cuts a lot of these programs were cut back and some being taken away permanently because expenses were just to great to try and uphold over the course of a few years, I believe that if we also tackle the issue with how much money schools are actually given but how much schools can actually take out to use on sports year round and by combining these things and fixing them we can fix the problems of budget issues surrounding after school sport programs as well as sports programs being cut all together. 

I believe that by bringing these things back into schools across America we will not only see a great drop in childhood obesity but we will see a greater drop in illegal activities as well as an increase in students in school as well as students.



